

(2)2024年にAI-仮想通貨の物語をリードするプロジェクトのトップ5 Top 5 Projects Leading the AI-Crypto Narrative in 2024 





​2. AIOZ
2. AIオージー​

AIOZ has been doing an impressive amount of development work recently, enabling them to tap into many different conversations as they scale their impressive AI-Crypto ecosystem. 

The overarching idea of AIOZ is to be a Decentralized AI Computing Ecosystem. What does that mean for anyone interacting with it? Well, it’s a space to train AI models, store datasets, build dApps, and monetize their contributions to AI. At the blockchain layer, AIOZ is designed for Web3 builders who want one-click dApp integration and support for smart languages across Ethereum and Cosmos. 

For AIOZ to run, it needs thousands of individuals around the world to offer their spare computing resources to power the network and its Web3, AI, storage, and media streaming applications. These people and their hardware are the nodes, running a “Decentralized Content Delivery Network”, or dCDN for short. Becoming a node is as simple as downloading software to your computer, and already over 80,000 people have done it. Nodes earn rewards in AIOZ for every data packet and can choose to offer their hard drive space, network card & bandwidth, or CPU & GPU.

If all of that isn’t impressive enough, one of the early backers is Jimmy Donaldson, better known as Mr Beast. The world-famous YouTuber may agree that AI and the Blockchain will play an important role in video streaming. Also involved in the project is Bruce Pon, founder of Ocean Protocol, which we will cover.

​3. Fetch.AI ($FET)

Fetch has been key to driving the AI-Crypto narrative, largely because of how much recent press and attention it has received. The core concept is that it allows users to create intelligent autonomous decentralized agents that can do all kinds of automated tasks on your behalf. It is one of those projects that makes you question the real limitations of crypto, AI, and machine learning (or whether there are any). Major companies like Bosch and Datarella have already employed Fetch’s services, while the startup recently raised $15m for further development. 
フェッチは、AI-仮想通貨の物語を推進する上で重要な役割を果たしてきましたが、これは主に最近の報道や注目によるものです。コアコンセプトは、ユーザーがあなたに代わってあらゆる種類の自動化されたタスクを実行できるインテリジェントで自律的な分散型エージェントを作成できるようにすることです。これは、暗号、AI、機械学習の本当の限界(または存在するかどうか)に疑問を投げかけるプロジェクトの1つです。Bosch や Datarella などの大手企業はすでに フェッチのサービスを採用しており、このスタートアップは最近、さらなる開発のために 1,500 万ドルを調達しました。

Another reason that Fetch and its “Autonomous Economic Agents” (AEAs) can lead the narrative in this space is because of how well-designed and accessible the platform is. This could well be the place where we see the smart AI autonomous economy built. 

​4. SingularityNET ($AGIX)

SingularityNET is a decentralized AI marketplace that leads the discussion surrounding democratized access to AI services. The cryptocurrency element is that all AI services must be purchased with the $AGIX cryptocurrency. Developers are invited and empowered to upload their own AI tools and algorithms to earn AGIX from sales to others. This business model essentially means anyone can access AI technology, if they have AGIX to spend, or monetize their algorithms if they’ve written some. 

Impressively, SingularityNET has already partnered up with IBM (whose Watson computer system was the first usable AI engine ever), and the United Nations (which is pretty powerful, when it wants to be). At the time of writing, there are already more than 50 services available, making this arguably the biggest AI algorithm network in the world.

​5. Ocean Protocol ($OCEAN)
5. オーシャンプロトコル ($OCEAN)​

Last, but by no means least, we have the Ethereum-based Ocean Protocol. It aims to lead the discussion about improving the quality of decentralized data, which currently lags behind centralized data. Tapping into the fact that decentralized data offers more control, Ocean provides a marketplace for data sharing that is built on AI. They’ve already raised over $20m in funding and have partnered with Aviva and Roche. 

Ocean aims to level the playing field for data and AI, with cryptocurrency helping to facilitate the mission. By clawing power away from Big Tech’s richest names, Ocean allows anyone to contribute to this pioneering industry and its astonishing rise. 

An Unexpected Revelation in Crypto-AI!

Remarkably, whilst writing this article, SingularityNET, Fetch.AI, and Ocean Protocol announced a stunning cryptocurrency merger! The new AI mega-project will be called Artificial SuperIntelligence Alliance, with the proposed $ASI token boasting a $7.5bn FDV from launch. While the dust settles on this extraordinary news, we can expect this merger to be a challenge to rivals NEAR Protocol, and also to the rising influence of big tech in AI. 

YOUR and AIOZ will continue on their respective missions too, leading distinct narratives as the year progresses. 

投稿: 人工知能, 仮想通貨, スポンサー付き



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