

ビットコインの半減が今年のアルトコイン価格を急上昇させる可能性がある理由Why Bitcoin Halving Could Supercharge Altcoin Prices This Year 





​Why Bitcoin Halving Could Supercharge Altcoin Prices This Year


Albert Peter
アルバート ピーター

Published in CryptoNiche


Feb 23, 2024

Bitcoin halving, a highly anticipated event in the cryptocurrency world, has historically been associated with significant price movements not just for Bitcoin but also for altcoins. This phenomenon, which occurs approximately every four years, involves the halving of the rewards miners receive for validating transactions on the Bitcoin network. The reduced supply of new Bitcoins entering circulation as a result of halving often leads to increased scarcity, potentially driving up the price of Bitcoin. However, the impact of Bitcoin halving extends beyond just Bitcoin itself.

In the past, Bitcoin's halving has also been accompanied by a surge in interest and investment in altcoins, which are alternative cryptocurrencies to Bitcoin. This trend is fueled by investors looking for opportunities to diversify their cryptocurrency development and capitalize on the overall bullish sentiment in the market. As such, many analysts and enthusiasts believe that Bitcoin's halving could act as a catalyst for a broader uptrend in the prices of altcoins, making this year an exciting time for altcoin investors and enthusiasts alike.

​Understanding Bitcoin Halving

Bitcoin halving is a significant event in the cryptocurrency world that occurs approximately every four years. It is programmed into the Bitcoin protocol to reduce the reward miners receive for mining new blocks by half. This reduction in mining rewards is crucial for maintaining the scarcity of Bitcoin and controlling its inflation rate. The first Bitcoin halving occurred in 2012, reducing the block reward from 50 BTC to 25 BTC. The second halving occurred in 2016, reducing the block reward further to 12.5 BTC.

The most recent halving took place in May 2020, reducing the block reward to 6.25 BTC. The halving process will continue until the total supply of Bitcoin reaches 21 million, after which no new Bitcoin will be created. Bitcoin halving is often accompanied by increased media attention and speculation about its impact on the price of Bitcoin. Historically, Bitcoin prices have experienced significant increases in the months following a halving event, leading some to believe that halving events play a role in driving Bitcoin’s long-term value proposition.
直近では2020年5月に半減が行われ、ブロック報酬が6.25BTCに引き下げられました。 半減は、ビットコインの総供給量が2,100万に達するまで続き、その後は新しいビットコインは作成されません。ビットコインの半減は、多くの場合、メディアの注目の高まりと、ビットコインの価格への影響についての憶測を伴います。歴史的に、ビットコインの価格は半減イベント後の数か月で大幅な上昇を経験しており、半減イベントがビットコインの長期的な価値提案を推進する役割を果たしていると考える人もいます。


How Does Bitcoin Halving Work?


Bitcoin halving is a process that reduces the rate at which new bitcoins are created and earned by miners. It occurs approximately every four years, or after every 210,000 blocks are mined, and is a key feature of Bitcoin’s monetary policy. Here’s how it works:


















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