

(2)ブラックロックビットコインETFの前に購入すべき8つのコイン 8 Coins to Buy Before BlackRock Bitcoin ETF 





4. Avalanche (AVAX)

I don’t think we should discount AVAX whatsoever. In the last bull market, it went to about $120 per coin, or around a $30 billion market cap. For it to be at $4 billion now, I see a lot of
potential, especially with its subnets. Lots of applications can use Avalanche subnets to build their own chains. I believe crypto gaming projects will continue using AVAX subnets. This bodes well for AVAX.


Looking at AVAX’s chart, it’s not pretty. Since the new year it’s only gone down, from around $21 to $8 before pumping back to around $11. Looking at the weekly chart, we are still in a downtrend. We have not come back to this $12 resistance yet. I’m still waiting on AVAX —
waiting for it to break the downtrend and retest support. I believe AVAX will do well next bull market. Definitely one to add to your watchlist.


5. Casper (CSPR)

Next is Casper, another layer 1 chain. It’s a proof of work chain but building rapidly. Something that makes me even more bullish is that it’s at its all-time high around 5 cents, despite not being listed on any major exchanges yet like Coinbase or Binance. If it does get listed there, I foresee it going parabolic.


The Casper technology is definitely there, as we’ve covered in many videos already. Looking at its MeXC chart, we can see Casper has been on a tear. We had highlighted some key support and resistance levels. Right now we’re at the top around 5 cents.

Will Casper go back down to 4 cents? We’ll have to wait and see. But I’d be willing to bet on it for the future, especially with its layer 1 tech as one of the fastest layer 1s. Definitely add
Casper to your watchlist and look at these prices carefully. Try to buy any dips if you want to get into Casper.
キャスパーは4セントに戻りますか? しばらくは、様子を見るしかないでしょう。しかし、私は将来、特に最速の層1の1つとしての層1テクノロジーに賭けるつもりです。キャスパーをウォッチリストに追加し、これらの価格を注意深く見てください。キャスパーに参入したい場合は、下落したのを購入してみてください。

6. Solana (SOL)
6. ソラーナ(SOL)

Right now SOL is at $30.85. It’s been on  rollercoaster ride. We saw what happened with the FTX collapse and SOL crashed. But it’s recovered nicely. It went down to around $13 and now is closer to $33.

Will Solana get back to its $72 billion market cap from last bull market? We’ll have to wait and see, but I’d confidently say it can at least 5x from here, reaching around $50 billion in
market cap.
ソァーナは、前回の強気相場の時価総額720億ドルに戻るのでしょうか? 様子を見る必要がありますが、ここから少なくとも5倍になり、時価総額で約500億ドルに達する可能性があると確信しています。

Looking at its chart, we are seeing some resistance around $32.50. We’ll have to see how that plays out. But there’s a lot of interest and hype around Solana. Some analysts have predicted crazy numbers, saying SOL will surpass its all-time high. SOL definitely has a big community behind it. With improvements to its chain, I believe Solana is a great asset to 5x or 10x next bull market. Definitely one to watch.
チャートを見ると、32.50ドル付近にレジスタンスがあります。 それがどうなるか見守る必要があります。しかし、ソラーナには多くの関心と誇大広告があります。一部のアナリストは、SOLが史上最高値を超えると言って、クレイジーな数字を予測しています。SOLの背後には間違いなく大きなコミュニティがあります。チェーンの改善により、ソラーナは次の強気市場で5倍または10倍の大きな資産になると思います。間違いなく注目すべき作品です。

7. Chainlink (LINK)

Chainlink is literally going on a tear of its own as well. Over the last month it’s up about 50%. In the previous bull market, it hit around $50, with a market cap of $20 billion.

Zooming in on the LINK chart, we’ve seen depressing sideways action since May 2022, hovering around $5.50-$9. Recently it’s blown back up with a lot of momentum. We’ll have to see if it consolidates back around $9. There was a big pump. But like Injective, there’s heavy
momentum and it may not retest support.

Just add LINK to your watchlist if you’re
interested. I’d recommend buying any dips, but of course not financial advice!


8. Polygon (MATIC)
8. ポリゴン(MATIC)

There’s a lot going on for Polygon right now. It’s up about 21% over the last month. This is a Layer 2 to Ethereum, solving scalability and TPS issues. But Polygon is actually migrating to a new token called the POS token.

Looking at its year chart, it doesn’t look great — a pump of 152% in February 2022 and now down to around $0.60. But I wouldn’t discount Polygon. It’s an older Layer 2 but building steadily in this bear market. As mentioned, it’s moving to the POS token.
年表を見ると、2022年2月には152%の急上昇を見せ、現在は0.60ドル前後まで下がっています。 しかし、私はポリゴンを軽視するつもりはありません。これは古い層2ですが、この弱気市場で着実に構築されています。前述のように、POSトークンに移行しています。

On October 25th, Polygon contracts were launched on Ethereum mainnet. This migration is happening at the right time for Polygon. It will incentivize users to come to their chain and build new dApps and community.

That covers some cryptocurrencies I’m watching for the next bull market, especially with BlackRock’s Bitcoin ETF approval influx of institutional money. This isn’t an exhaustive list — there are many other cryptos out there. Let me know which ones you’re looking at and your thoughts on the ones I covered today! I hope you enjoyed this overview. If you did, please smash the like button, subscribe to the channel if you’re new, and I’ll catch you in my next video. Peace!
これは、特にブラックロックのビットコインETF承認の機関投資家資金の流入により、次の強気市場のために私が注目しているいくつかの暗号通貨をカバーしています。これは完全なリストではなく、他にも多くの仮想通貨があります。あなたが見ているものと、今日取り上げたものについてのあなたの考えを教えてください! この概要を楽しんでいただけたでしょうか。もしそうなら、いいねボタンを押して、初めての方はチャンネル登録してください、そうすれば、私は次のビデオであなたを捕まえます。平和を!


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