

(2)私が間違っていました。2024年にビットコインに対する意見を変えた理由。I was wrong. Why I changed my opinion on Bitcoin in 2024. 





The miracle of Bitcoin

When asked about selling Bitcoin for profit, the CEO of MicroStrategy, Michael Saylor, recently remarked, “There’s a word for people who store value in fiat. We call them poor.” By this, he means that the way people think about Bitcoin as a store of value is critically flawed. His statement emphasizes Bitcoin’s potential as a future bedrock of global value, a sentiment I share. Selling Bitcoin for profit only makes sense when your frame of reference is set to a low-time preference. So, while some argue that the era of being “early” to crypto might have passed, the journey for Bitcoin, I believe, is far from reaching its peak.


Bitcoin’s societal, technological, philosophical, and truly viral underpinnings set it apart. Bitcoin is a globally distributed event sequencer and an incentivized decentralized timestamp ledger with a reward mechanism intrinsically tied to our planet’s finite resources. Along with its sovereignty from any nation, corporation, or individual and being operationally viable from any energy-generating location on Earth, these features are crucial to our planet’s needs.

So, despite Bitcoin’s significant strides, its full potential is far from being realized. The general perception still narrowly confines it as a mere digital store of value or a medium of exchange. However, its power also lies in its ability to irrefutably prove that a digital event has occurred, serving as a foundation for innovations that extend well beyond traditional financial applications.

Yes, as a hard store of value, it is unparalleled, and its base infrastructure can serve as the foundation for global payment networks. Yet, its role is not just in finance but in securing critical data with precise timestamping capabilities.

The journey of Bitcoin has been nothing short of miraculous. Its resilience in the face of numerous challenges and attempts to undermine its value is a testament to its strength and the commitment of its community. Bitcoin transcends technology; it embodies a social-cultural phenomenon that has carved out a significant footprint in the digital age. Its survival and growth defy the odds, proving its intrinsic value and pivotal role in the digital asset ecosystem.

As we delve deeper into the nuances of Bitcoin and its ecosystem, it becomes evident that its journey is unmatched. The confluence of technology, finance, history, culture, and societal movements has birthed a phenomenon that defies simple categorization. Bitcoin’s story is one of resilience, innovation, and an unwavering belief in the transformative power of decentralized finance. It stands as a talisman for the future, promising a new paradigm where value, trust, and freedom are redefined for the modern era.

Bitcoin cannot be reproduced.

While technological innovation is crucial, the depth of Bitcoin’s integration into society’s financial and cultural fabric provides it with an unmatched fortress of resilience. The notion that upcoming cryptocurrencies could eclipse Bitcoin by virtue of better technology disregards the intricate tapestry of factors contributing to Bitcoin’s enduring relevance.

The discourse surrounding Bitcoin and the potential for newer, technologically advanced cryptocurrencies to supplant it opens a broader conversation about innovation, adoption, and the enduring nature of foundational technologies. Bitcoin’s narrative, interwoven with technological milestones, cultural shifts, and a revolutionary approach to value exchange, offers a profound case study of technological adoption trends and the lasting impact of first-mover advantage coupled with deep-rooted network effects.

Bitcoin, in its essence, represents an intersection of factors that cannot be replicated. Its birth, rise, and enduring presence are attributed to a unique blend of technology, societal need, timing, and a bit of luck. This mix has solidified its position in a way no subsequent technology or cryptocurrency can emulate.

Bitcoin transcends mere technology or financial innovation; it’s woven into our digital era’s cultural and social fabric. It embodies a movement, a shift in perception towards value, sovereignty, and decentralization. This cultural resonance strengthens its position, making comparisons with other assets or cryptocurrencies about technology or utility somewhat myopic. Bitcoin has ignited a revolution extending beyond its protocol, influencing global financial systems, governance models, and the notion of money.

Consider, for instance, the profound implications of Bitcoin in countries grappling with hyperinflation and financial instability. In these regions, Bitcoin is not merely a speculative asset but a lifeline that offers individuals and businesses an alternative to crumbling fiat currencies. By facilitating secure, borderless, and decentralized transactions, Bitcoin empowers people with financial sovereignty, enabling them to preserve and transfer wealth independently of faltering financial systems. This tangible impact demonstrates Bitcoin’s utility and solidifies its standing as more than just another digital asset; it is a beacon of hope for financial inclusivity and resilience.

While some argue that Bitcoin’s technology may be surpassed, they overlook the adaptability and evolutionary potential within the Bitcoin ecosystem. The network’s underlying principles—decentralization, security, and open participation—coupled with a robust community of developers ensure that it continues to evolve. Moreover, innovations like the Lightning Network exemplify how Bitcoin can adapt, addressing scalability and usability while preserving its core values.

The debate around consensus mechanisms, remarkably the comparison between Proof of Stake (PoS) and Bitcoin’s Proof of Work (PoW), further highlights Bitcoin’s distinctiveness. PoS, for all its efficiencies, introduces different trade-offs, notably in security and decentralization. Bitcoin’s PoW consensus is a foundational element of its security model and economic principles, tying the digital to the physical world in a manner PoS systems have yet to replicate. Unlike PoS, owning all the Bitcoin in the world does not allow you to control the network. Bitcoin separates wealth and state.

However, there does seem to be somewhat of a resurgence of PoW in newer forms that certainly interests me in terms of the ‘crypto’ world. Decentralized AI like Bittensor, DePin projects such as IoTex, and novel Web3 projects like Core Blockchain are introducing new ways to use computing power to secure networks and add value to their blockchains. I do not see these as Bitcoin competitors either, but I do appreciate their ability to not conform to the PoS norm that has taken over Web3.
しかし、新しい形でPoWが復活しているようで、「仮想通貨」の世界に関しては確かに興味があります。Bittensorのような分散型AI、IoTexのようなDePinプロジェクト、Core Blockchainのような斬新なWeb3プロジェクトは、コンピューティングパワーを使ってネットワークを保護し、ブロックチェーンに付加価値を与える新しい方法を導入しています。これらもビットコインの競争相手とは見ていませんが、Web3を引き継いだPoS規範に準拠しない能力を高く評価しています。

Speculating on Bitcoin’s future evolution is a complex endeavor. Many factors, including technological advancements, regulatory landscapes, and global economic shifts, will likely influence its trajectory. However, the essence of Bitcoin—its principles, community, and the revolutionary ideals it stands for—provides a strong foundation for its continued relevance and evolution. Evolution could be the most accurate word here – Bitcoin evolves like an organic entity; it behaves according to models that align with nature and is intrinsically linked with global ecology. No ‘crypto’ has this.

Ultimately, Bitcoin is more than just a cryptocurrency; it’s a paradigm shift in how we conceive of and interact with money, value, and each other in a digital age. Its journey reflects a broader narrative of innovation, resilience, and the quest for a more inclusive and decentralized financial system. Whether this article ages well or not, the discussion it sparks is a testament to Bitcoin’s indelible impact on the world. As we look to the future, Bitcoin remains a critical piece of the puzzle in understanding the intersection of technology, finance, and society.

Ultimately, Bitcoin will become the epicenter for everything of worth in the world.


Bitcoin Ethereum Solana

次に投稿: ビットコイン, 分析, 特集, 論説















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