

(3)2024年の予言(​2024 Predictions) 





​Geopolitics: U.S.-China Relations Thaw

Expect China to dial down the brinkmanship in an attempt to stanch the bleeding of foreign capital. The Chinese economy is the sickest it’s been in generations, and the only treatment with proven efficacy is foreign investment flowing through local manufacturing. Eventually,
China will have to figure out how to build housing and luxury cars for its own market without incurring massive debt. The West has an inflation problem; China a growth problem. Feels as if the two largest economies need to kiss and make up. They will.

​Geopolitics: Saudi Arabia and Israel Normalize Relations

This was on the horizon before October 7, but the conventional wisdom is that the Hamas attacks and Israeli response have torpedoed normalization. Short of a broader regional war, the logic of a tie-up remains inescapable. The Saudi strategy in a world less reliant on oil is to be
the swing vote, the nation that garners outsize power by getting along just well enough with everyone to have a seat at every table, a vote in every majority. My gut on this is based on an observation I made during my arrested adolescence tour to Mykonos last summer. In sum, nearly every table at the nightclubs was populated by young men from the Gulf. The
Saudis are pivoting from Islamism to capitalism. They have the largest economy in the region and have said little about the Israel-Gaza war.

Musk Loses Control of Twitter (Or Sells It)

We need to stop talking about Musk as if he’s a runaway teen. In two years he’ll be eligible to live in most senior communities and people are tired of childlike behavior from a near-senior
citizen. Musk’s wealth is largely tied up in Tesla and SpaceX, holdings he does not want to sell. He has borrowed heavily against both, and even the world’s wealthiest man can have cash-flow issues.



Even after Elon fired 80% of Twitter, it’s still an expensive hobby, and he’s continuing to drive away his blackmailers (i.e.,advertisers). Plus the company, and by extension Elon, face years of payments on the debt used to fund the acquisition. Elon’s ambitions are bigger than social media, and in 2024 he’ll prioritize Tesla and SpaceX over platforming people like Alex Jones, who monetize misery. Spoiler alert: None of this has anything to do with free
イーロンがツイッターの80%を解雇した後も、ツイッターは依然として高価な趣味であり、彼は脅迫者(つまり広告主) を追い払い続けています。さらに、同社、ひいてはイーロンは、買収資金に充てられた負債の何年にもわたる支払いに直面しています。イーロンの野望はソーシャルメディアよりも大きく、2024年には、アレックス・ジョーンズのような悲惨な状況を収益化するプラットフォームよりも、テスラやスペースXを優先するでしょう。 ネタバレ注意: これは言論の自由とは何の関係もありません。

Meta’s 2024 Growth Vehicle: WhatsApp

Facebook and Instagram are still huge, profitable businesses, but we don’t talk about them much, because what drives Big Tech valuations is growth. Meta has been keeping its third horse in the barn for years, but there’s dormant upside in a platform with 3 billion users that will soon stir. Zuck has been hinting at a monetization strategy for years and nibbling at services associated with WhatsApp. 2024 is the year the Xenomorph Internecivus Raptus bursts from Meta’s abdomen. (See above: Alien.)
フェイスブックとインスタグラムは依然として巨大で収益性の高いビジネスですが、ビッグテックの評価を左右するのは成長であるため、あまり話題にしません。メタは何年も前から3頭目の馬を納屋に置いていますが、30億人のユーザーを抱えるプラットフォームには、まもなく動き出すであろう休眠状態にあります。マーク・ザッカーバーグは何年も前から収益化戦略をほのめかし、WhatsAppに関連するサービスをかじってきました。2024年は、ゼノモーフ・インテルネシヴァス・ラプタスがメタの腹部から破裂する年です。 (上記参照: エイリアン)

​Political Prediction: Biden Gets Reelected, and Trump Gets

The truth of presidential politics is that the voters who actually decide elections — swing voters, independents, etc. — don’t pay attention to politics. That’s why they are swing voters, because they don’t spend three and a half years in a hermetically sealed echo chamber. It’s likely
when they head to their polling place we’ll have low inflation, high employment, a strong economy, conflicts around the globe that don’t involve U.S. troops, and a GOP nominee who’s been convicted by a jury of his peers for crimes against the United States.
大統領政治の真実は、実際に選挙を決定する有権者(浮動票有権者、無党派層など) が政治に注意を払っていないことです。それ故に彼らは浮動票有権者なのです。なぜなら、彼らは密閉されたエコーチェンバー(同調圧力の強い環境)の中で3年半も過ごさないからです。もし彼らが投票所に足を運べば、低インフレ、高い雇用、強い経済、米軍が関与しない世界中の紛争があり、そして米国に対する犯罪で仲間の陪審員によって有罪判決を受けている共和党の候補者がいる可能性が高いであろう。

The evidence for that last prediction will be submitted at three separate trials, and the odds of beating all three are terrible: Defendants accused of federal felonies have only a 30% chance of
avoiding prison time in just one trial — beating the rap in three trials comes in at a 2.7% probability (30% * 30% * 30%). In 2024 we’ll be channel-surfing between a reality show, watching a criminal attempt to mug a senior citizen, and a game show where the player’s job is to delay court cases until after he’s elected president so he can pardon himself. Jesus, we feel so fucked up right now.
その最後の予測の証拠は、3つの別々の裁判で提出され、3つすべてを打ち負かす確率はひどいものです: 連邦重罪で告発された被告は、たった1回の裁判で懲役刑を回避する可能性がわずか30%です - 3つの裁判で無罪を勝ち取る確率は、2.7% (30% x 30% x 30%) になります。2024年には、高齢者を襲おうとする犯罪行為を視聴するリアリティ番組や、大統領に選出されるまで裁判を遅らせて恩赦を得るのがプレイヤーの仕事であるゲーム番組の間をチャンネルサーフィンすることになるでしょう。イエス様、私たちはまさに今、めちゃくちゃな気分です。

​Learner’s Permit

I ended ’23 with several days in the passenger seat of a car, forcing myself not to scream “slow down!” or “speed up!” My son is learning to drive. In 1980 my mom, after coming home from nine hours at her job as a secretary at an insurance company in the San Fernando Valley, would spend an hour teaching me to drive a manual transmission Opel Manta. My daily sojourns through the 7th ring of Learner’s Permit hell made me feel closer to my future and past. I wish the same for you in 2024: stress, joy, and a grasp of time’s (in)finite nature. All in the presence of people you love.

Life is so rich,


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P.P.S. Section’s AI for Business Mini-MBA closes enrollment on Monday. Join us to make AI a strategic advantage in 2024. Sign up here.
P.P.S. セクションの AI for Business Mini-MBA は、月曜日に登録を締め切ります。2024 年に AI を戦略的優位性にするために、ぜひご参加ください。こちらから登録してください。


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