

(6)強気相場が戻ってきた? 2024年にコインベースで購入すべき仮想通貨トップ10(The Bull Is Back? Top 10 Cryptos to Buy on Coinbase in 2024) 





Hint ヒント

Bitcoin — $50 (2023: 🔼 155.8%)
ビットコイン—50ドル (2023年: 🔼

Obviously nailed it, and while I tabbed it as the safu play, it outgained most of the rest of my list. So those times I blessed anyone who just wanted to shove all-in and spend their entire monthly allocation in BTC was the right call. Hell, doing a “top-1 list” those months would have saved me a lot of time and effort.

​Uniswap (UNI)— $10 (2023: 🔼 40.0%)
ユニスワップ (UNI)—10ドル (2023年: 🔼 40.0%)​

As the world’s predominant decentralized exchange and automated market maker, Uniswap was
in primo position to take advantage of the extra traffic that came their way when the SEC sued Binance and Coinbase in June. Binance made a $4 billion payoff to the U.S. Department of Justice, but the SEC is still squawkingFor political reasons as outlined above, I don’t think much will come of it in 2024, but I’m down for investing in UNI on a multi-year timeframe, as bureaucrats tend to bless what they’re told to and ban everything else.
世界の有力な分散型取引所および自動マーケットメーカーとして、ユニスワップは 6 月に SEC が バイナンスと コインベースを訴訟した際に発生した余分なトラフィックを利用する最優先の立場にありました。バイナンスは米司法省に40億ドルの支払いを行ったが、SECは依然として対立しています。上で概説したような政治的理由により、2024年には多くの成果が得られるとは思わないが、官僚は言われたことを承認し、すべてを禁止する傾向があるため、複数年の期間でUNIに投資することには前向きです。

Chainlink — $9 (2023: 🔼 168.2%)
チェーンリンク— 9ドル (2023年: 🔼
168.2%) ​

LINK actually did outgain BTC on the year, so while I left money on the table, I’m still counting this as a W.

​Ethereum — $8 (2023:🔼 90.8%)
イーサリアムー8ドル(2023年:🔼 90.8%)​

I was wary of ETH because of regulation. Turns out I should have been on performance.

Polygon — $7 (2023:🔼 28.0%)
ポリゴン — 7ドル (2023年:🔼

wasn’t wary of
Polygon because of regulation, which was silly because it’s an Ethereum layer-2, so in the end it goes where ETH goes. While it finished up for
the year, it got clobbered on the Night of Gensler Misery, and only made it back to
black in December. If all goes well with Ethereum’s proto-danksharding, layer-2s will benefit, but
I’m comfortable holding off until we get regulatory clarity, especially with
MATIC, which the SEC named again when
it took another swing at Kraken.

私は規制のためにポリゴンに警戒していませんでした。それはイーサリアム層2で、ついにETHが行くとこまで行くため愚かでした。その年に値上がり終了する一方で、ゲンスラーの悲劇の夜には混乱し、12月には回復しただけでした。 イーサリアムのProto-Dankshardingとうまくいっていれば、層2は利益を得ますが、特にMATICで規制上の明確さを得るまで、私は保有することを控えることに快適さを感じています。それは、SECがクラーケンに対して別の行動を起こす際にMATICが再び名指しされたことです。

Litecoin (LTC) — $6 (2023: 🔼 3.9%)
ライトコイン(LTC) — 6ドル (2023年: 🔼
 3.9%) ​

A lesson on how past performance doesn’t guarantee future results: Litecoin was supposed to blow up when it had its halving, yet it collapsed 47% peak-to-trough in July and August. It’s been dragged up by the broader market increase in the autumn, but (as past performance suggests) from here on out I want BTC, not LTC:


Litecoin in Bitcoin terms, showing that after the halvings (smiley faces), LTC slumps against BTC. Believe it or not, this was in a piece written by the Litecoin Foundation. (TradingView/nasdaq.com)
ビットコインの用語でのライトコイン。半減期(スマイリーフェース)の後、LTCBTCに対して低迷していることを示しています。信じられないかもしれませんが、これはライトコイン財団によって書かれた記事の一部にありました。 tradingView/nasdaq.com

Stellar Lumens (XLM) — $4 (2023: 🔼 81.65%)
ステラールーメン (XLM) — 4ドル(2023年: 🔼
 81.65%) ​

I still think I’m early buying into XLM and Ripple’s token XRP (XRPsince Coinbase relisting July 13: 🔻30.85%) as a long-term play into central bank digital currenciesBut as they say on Wall Street and in “Silicon Valley,” being early is the same as being wrong. I should have just bought Bitcoin.

Curve DAO Token (CRV) — $3 (2023: 🔼 15.2%)
カーブDAOトークン (CRV) — 3ドル (2023: 🔼

This was another attempt to play a DeFi/DEX, and really it’s another miss, as I might as well have just bought more Uniswap.

Cardano — $2 (2023: 🔼 141.7%)
カルダーノ — 2ドル (2023年: 🔼
 141.7%) ​

This did do well, and it did beat its benchmark ETH on the year, and I still think it’s long-term a great play (stake it and you get an extra 2% APY). But in the short term it’s on the same SEC sh*tlist as Polygon and . . .















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