

(3)7つの仮想通貨で起こらないこと(7 Things That Won’t Happen in Crypto ) 




6. Quantum computers crack the cryptographic algorithms
used in cryptocurrencies.
6. 量子コンピューターは、暗号通貨で使用される暗号アルゴリズムを解読する。


​How much do you know about quantum comput​ers?


We almost reach the end of 7 things that won’t happen in the crypto world but stay here tight so that you will learn a lot.


​First thing a definition of a Quantum computer:


“A quantum computer is a type of computing device that leverages the principles of quantum mechanics to perform certain types of computations at a significantly faster rate than classical computers. Unlike classical computers that use bits to represent information as either a 0
or a 1, quantum computers use quantum bits, or qubits, which can exist in multiple states simultaneously.”
「量子コンピューターは、量子力学の原理を利用して、特定の種類の計算を古典的なコンピューターよりも大幅に高速で実行するコンピューティングデバイスの一種です。ビットを使用して情報を 0 または 1 として表す古典的なコンピューターとは異なり、量子コンピューターは複数の状態で同時に存在できる量子ビット、つまり量子ビットを使用します。」


Not so easy and not so clear 😱😱😱
それほど簡単ではありませんし、それほど明確でもありません 😱😱😱


Quantum mechanics is a branch of physics that describes the behavior of matter and energy at the smallest scales. It introduces concepts such as superposition and entanglement, which are
fundamental to how quantum computers operate. If you want to know more you have to dig into quantum physics to know the details of how it works. I have a few points down here before I tell you about this point.




The basic building blocks of a quantum computer are qubits. Qubits can represent both 0 and 1 simultaneously, thanks to a property called superposition. This ability to be in multiple states
simultaneously allows quantum computers to perform parallel computations and explore various possibilities simultaneously.
量子コンピューターの基本的な構成要素は量子ビットです。量子ビットは、重ね合わせと呼ばれる特性のおかげで、0 と 1 の両方を同時に表すことができます。同時に複数の状態になれるこの能力により、量子コンピューターは並列計算を実行し、さまざまな可能性を同時に探ることができます。


​Quantum Gates


Quantum gates are analogous to the logic gates in classical computers and are used to manipulate qubits. These gates perform operations that rotate the qubits’ state or change their entanglement relationships. By applying sequences of quantum gates, quantum algorithms can
be executed to perform specific computations.


​Quantum Entanglement

The next mechanism is entanglement. It is a phenomenon where two or more qubits become correlated in such a way that the state of one qubit cannot be described independently of the others. Entangled qubits are linked in a manner that their states are interdependent, even when
separated by large distances. This property enables quantum computers to perform certain computations faster than classical computers. Speed is the core strength of quantum computers. Being able to make more operations simultaneously, more complex, and faster is the future of computers.
次のメカニズムは絡み合いです。これは、2 つ以上の量子ビットが相関し、1 つの量子ビットの状態を他の量子ビットから独立して説明できなくなる現象です。もつれ合った量子ビットは、たとえ遠く離れていても、その状態が相互に依存する形でリンクされます。この特性により、量子コンピューターは古典的なコンピューターよりも高速に特定の計算を実行できます。速度は量子コンピューターの中核的な強みです。より多くの操作を同時に、より複雑に、より高速に実行できることがコンピューターの未来です。


​Quantum Algorithms

Quantum algorithms are specifically designed to take advantage of the unique properties of qubits and quantum gates. These algorithms leverage the superposition and entanglement of qubits to perform computations more efficiently than classical algorithms for certain types of problems. Examples of quantum algorithms include Shor’s algorithm for factoring large numbers and Grover’s algorithm for searching databases.
量子アルゴリズムは、量子ビットと量子ゲートの固有の特性を活用するように特別に設計されています。これらのアルゴリズムは、量子ビットの重ね合わせともつれを利用して、特定の種類の問題について従来のアルゴリズムよりも効率的に計算を実行します。量子アルゴリズムの例には、大きな数を因数分解するための Shor のアルゴリズムや、データベースを検索するための Grover のアルゴリズムが含まれます。


I hope this helped you to understand a little bit better about quantum computers. I know it is very complex and if you like you can find more by just googling.


Let me get back to the list of 7 things that won’t happen in the crypto world.


The potential development of quantum computers capable of breaking the cryptographic algorithms used in cryptocurrencies is a topic of ongoing research and concern. While quantum
computing holds promise for various applications, including solving complex computational problems, its impact on cryptocurrencies depends on several factors:


​Quantum Computing Advancements

Quantum computing is still in its early stages, and the development of practical and scalable quantum computers capable of breaking cryptographic algorithms is a significant technological challenge. While researchers have made progress in quantum computing, building quantum
systems that can perform the necessary computations to break cryptographic algorithms at a large scale remains a complex task. The timeline for achieving this breakthrough is uncertain and the money needed to build this type of computer is uncertain too.

​Quantum-Resistant Cryptography

The potential threat of quantum computers is addressed by the crypto community actively by developing and implementing quantum-resistant cryptographic algorithms. These algorithms are designed to withstand attacks from both classical and quantum computers, providing enhanced
security and resilience. Researchers are exploring post-quantum cryptography solutions that can protect existing cryptocurrencies and ensure their longevity in the face of quantum threats. Security is the first problem to solve in the crypto world.


​Transition Period

Let’s make a scenario where quantum computers capable of breaking cryptographic algorithms become a reality, then it would likely be a transition period to migrate existing cryptocurrencies to quantum-resistant algorithms. This would involve a coordinated effort within the crypto community, including developers, miners, and users, to upgrade their systems and adopt new cryptographic standards. Such a transition would require time and effort but is feasible given the collaborative nature of the crypto ecosystem. Cryptos will always adapt no matter what!


​Forking and Chain Split Possibilities

The transition to quantum-resistant algorithms may involve forking or splitting existing blockchain networks. If consensus cannot be reached among stakeholders on the migration process, it could lead to different versions of the blockchain and potential fragmentation of the cryptocurrency community. However, the crypto community has demonstrated its ability to navigate contentious issues and reach consensus in the past, as seen in various network upgrades and hard forks. Forking or splitting can lead to new coins and new earning possibilities with new and better technologies.


​7. The price of a single Bitcoin reaches zero.
7.  1つのビットコインの価格がゼロになる。​

Photo by Kanchanara on Unsplash アンスプラッシュのカンチャナラ撮影


Yes! The last point of 7 things that won’t happen in the crypto world.


I hope you liked it until now, so without further ado is time to enjoy the last point.


​Will Bitcoin reach zero value in the future?

I don’t think so, and here is why is all about market demand and adoption. Bitcoin has gained widespread recognition and adoption, with a growing number of individuals, institutions, and businesses participating in the Bitcoin ecosystem. This increasing demand and acceptance
contribute to the value and market dynamics of Bitcoin. The network effect and network value that Bitcoin has built over time make it highly improbable for its price to plummet to zero. In fact, I think we will reach new highs in the future when the resistance of $ 30000-ich broke.
私はそうは思いません。市場の需要と採用がすべてである理由は次のとおりです。ビットコインは広く認知され、採用されるようになり、ビットコインエコシステムに参加する個人、機関、企業の数が増えています。この需要と受け入れの増加は、ビットコインの価値と市場動向に貢献します。ビットコインが時間をかけて築いてきたネットワーク効果とネットワーク価値により、ビットコインの価格がゼロまで急落する可能性は非常に低いです。実際、将来的には 30000 ドルの抵抗を突破したときに新高値に到達すると思います。


Bitcoin has a robust infrastructure and ecosystem with mining operations, wallets, exchanges, and a dedicated community of developers and users. This infrastructure provides a solid foundation for Bitcoin’s functionality and utility as a digital currency. The continuous development and improvement of the Bitcoin ecosystem enhance its longevity and make it improbable for the price to reach zero.


The last point is all about historical price performance. Bitcoin has demonstrated significant price appreciation over the years, despite experiencing periodic market corrections and volatility.
Even after the huge correction, it was 15000 more valuable than the dollar, keep it in mind! While the price can fluctuate in response to various factors such as market sentiment, regulatory developments, or macroeconomic events, the overall trajectory of Bitcoin’s value has shown resilience and an upward trend. The historical performance suggests that Bitcoin possesses inherent value and is unlikely to become completely worthless.
最後のポイントは、歴史的な価格パフォーマンスに関するものです。ビットコインは、定期的な市場調整と乱高下にもかかわらず、長年にわたり大幅な価格上昇を示してきました。大幅な修正後でも、ドルよりも 15,000 価値が高かったことを覚えておいてください。価格は市場心理、規制の動向、マクロ経済事象などのさまざまな要因に応じて変動する可能性がありますが、ビットコインの価値の全体的な軌跡は回復力と上昇傾向を示しています。過去の実績は、ビットコインには固有の価値があり、完全に無価値になる可能性は低いことを示唆しています。



Here we have the 7 things that won’t happen in the crypto world. That was a very long article with a lot of information. I hope you liked and shared it with your friends and family. It took me a lot of time and passion to write it and I appreciate some comments and feedback on the
topic. Let us know in the comments or reach us out via social media.


It’s all for now,


I will see you in the next article.


Have a great day.






Francesco La Rocca does not endorse any content or product on this page. While I aim to provide you with all the important information that I can obtain, readers should do their own research before taking any actions related to the company and carry full responsibility for their decisions, nor can this article be considered investment advice.
フランシスコラロッカ は、このページのいかなるコンテンツや製品も推奨しません。私は入手できる重要な情報をすべて提供することを目指していますが、読者は会社に関連する行動を起こす前に自分で調べ、決定に対して全責任を負う必要があります。また、この記事は投資アドバイスとはみなされません。








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