

(2)7つの仮想通貨で起こらないこと(7 Things That Won’t Happen in Crypto ) 




​​3. Cryptocurrencies replace traditional fiat currencies entirely.
3. 暗号通貨は、従来の法定通貨に完全に置き換わる。

Photo by Michael Förtsch on Unsplash アンスプラッシュの Michael Förtsch による写真​​

For sure that is one of 7 things that won’t happen in the crypto world the complete replacement of traditional money by cryptocurrencies represents a highly ambitious and unlikely scenario. Is true that cryptocurrencies have gained popularity and in some countries have a legal tender but it has several significant challenges and barriers stand in the way of their complete replacement of fiat currencies. I’ll show some points.

​Regulatory Hurdles

Regulations vary a lot from country to country. Governments and regulatory bodies are cautious about adopting cryptocurrencies as legal tender due to concerns regarding consumer protection
( at least this is what they want us to believe), financial stability, money laundering, and tax evasion. Creating a comprehensive and globally accepted regulatory framework that adequately addresses these concerns while facilitating the widespread adoption of cryptocurrencies would be a very difficult and long process.

​Scalability and Efficiency:

All Cryptocurrencies face scalability and efficiency challenges. To replace fiat currencies entirely, cryptocurrencies would need to demonstrate scalability to handle the vast number of transactions that occur in the global economy efficiently. Significant technological advancements, such as the implementation of advanced consensus algorithms and layer-two solutions, would be required to achieve the necessary transaction speed and volume. I think that in the future with more AI programs and new algorithms, this problem will have a solution, but meanwhile, it is what it is. Right?
すべての暗号通貨は拡張可能性と効率性の課題に直面しています。法定通貨を完全に置き換えるには、仮想通貨が世界経済で発生する膨大な数の取引を効率的に処理できる拡張可能性を実証する必要があります。必要なトランザクションの速度と量を達成するには、高度な合意アルゴリズムや層‐2 ソリューションの実装など、大幅な技術的進歩が必要になります。将来的には、より多くの AI プログラムと新しいアルゴリズムが登場して、この問題は解決されると思いますが、それまでは現状のままです。そうですね?

​User Adoption and Trust

The universal adoption of cryptocurrencies as a replacement for fiat currencies would require a significant shift in consumer behavior and trust. A large part of the population is still unfamiliar
with cryptocurrencies, and there are concerns regarding security, volatility, and ease of use. Building trust and confidence in cryptocurrencies as a reliable and stable way of exchange would require extensive education, user-friendly interfaces, enhanced security measures, and solid value propositions.

​4. All governments ban the use of cryptocurrencies worldwide.
4. すべての政府は世界中で暗号通貨の使用を禁止する。​

Ok, let’s continue with our 7 things that won’t happen in the crypto world. This is probably the most plausible scenario but unlikely will become reality and here is why.

​Global Coordination

Forcing a worldwide ban on cryptocurrencies would require unprecedented global coordination among governments, regulatory bodies, and law enforcement agencies. Achieving consensus and uniformity across hundreds of countries with varying political, economic, and legal systems is a complex task. Cooperation on such a scale is highly challenging, as countries have diverse priorities and differing levels of acceptance toward cryptocurrencies.

The question is, will people accept this?

​Technological Limitations

The core point of cryptocurrencies is being decentralized. For that reason, it is difficult to control or shut them down entirely. The distributed nature of these networks, combined with the use of
encryption and anonymity measures, makes it challenging to enforce a complete ban effectively. Cryptocurrency transactions can be conducted peer-to-peer, making it challenging for governments to trace and regulate them effectively.

​Economic Impact

Cryptocurrencies have become an established part of the global financial landscape, creating significant investment possibilities and innovative projects. A worldwide ban would have profound economic implications, disrupting industries built around cryptocurrencies and
blockchain technology. It would also limit the potential benefits and opportunities offered by cryptocurrencies, such as job creation, technological advancements, and financial inclusion.

​​​5. A decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) becomes
the dominant form of governance in the crypto space.
5. 分散型自律組織(DAO)が仮想通貨空間で支配的統治形態になる

Photo by Pierre Borthiry - Peiobty on Unsplash  アンスプラッシュの Pierre Borthiry -Peiobty撮影​​

The rise of DAOs in the crypto world is indeed an intriguing development, but the complete dominance of DAOs as the primary form of governance faces several challenges. Let me explain.
First point DAOs are still in their early stages of development and implementation. That means the system is not ready yet. While they have gained attention and experimentation, the concept is relatively new and evolving. DAOs operate based on smart contracts and decentralized decision-making, allowing stakeholders to participate in governance processes. Moreover, the users need to learn how it works and how to use it properly.
暗号通貨の世界での DAO の台頭は確かに興味深い発展ですが、ガバナンスの主要な形態としての DAO の完全な優位性はいくつかの課題に直面しています。説明しましょう。第一のポイント DAO はまだ開発と実装の初期段階にあります。つまり、システムはまだ準備ができていません。注目を集め、実験が行われてきましたが、このコンセプトは比較的新しく、進化しています。 DAO はスマート コントラクトと分散型意思決定に基づいて動作し、利害関係者がガバナンスプロセスに参加できるようにします。さらに、ユーザーはそれがどのように機能し、適切に使用するかを学ぶ必要があります。

The second point is about the users’ participation. The governance of decentralized systems through DAOs requires active participation and engagement from stakeholders. Having, all the time, collective consensus among a diverse range of participants can be challenging. Moreover, models often require participants to possess technical expertise, understand the intricacies of blockchain systems, and be willing to actively contribute to decision-making processes. A very complex point to achieve from my point of view and that’s why it may be very difficult to scale across the entire crypto space. There are a few more points why it is difficult to achieve
the dominance of governance in the crypto space. DAOs operate in a regulatory environment that is still evolving and adapting to the unique challenges posed by decentralized systems. Governments need to lose power and that is quite a difficult scenario.
2点目はユーザーの参加についてです。 DAO を通じた分散システムのガバナンスには、利害関係者の積極的な参加と関与が必要です。多様な参加者の間で集団的な合意を得るのは、常に困難な場合があります。さらに、モデルでは多くの場合、参加者が技術的な専門知識を持ち、ブロックチェーン
システムの複雑さを理解し、意思決定プロセスに積極的に貢献する意欲を求められます。私の観点からすると、達成すべき点は非常に複雑であり、そのため暗号空間全体に拡張するのは非常に難しいのかもしれません。暗号通貨分野でガバナンスの優位性を達成することが難しい理由は他にもいくつかあります。 DAO は、分散型システムによってもたらされる特有の課題に適応しながら進化し続けている規制環境で運営されています。政府は権力を失う必要があり、それは非常に困難なシナリオです。















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