
(5)ナイトクラブ& Web3 ゲーム Night Clubs & Web3 Games 





Let’s compare the economics of each scenario


A: The newbie pays $200 to the OG, plays 2–3 weeks, then churns to another game. During this time the newbie doesn’t make any microtransaction purchases and brings in $1 worth of ad revenue. The game developer charges 5% from the secondary sale and earns a total of $11 from the newbie while the OG pockets $190 from the transaction.
A: 初心者は OG に 200 ドルを支払い、2 ~ 3 週間プレイした後、別のゲームに次々と移ります。この間、初心者はマイクロトランザクションによる購入を行わず、1 ドル相当の広告収入をもたらします。ゲーム開発者は二次販売から 5% を請求し、初心者から合計 11 ドルを稼ぎ、OG は取引から 190 ドルを手に入れます。


B: The newbie starts from scratch, goes through the full progression curve towards level 1000 although makes some microtransaction purchases along the way and plays the game for 2 years. The game developer makes $500+ from microtransaction purchases and ad revenue while the OG doesn’t get any financial value.
B: 初心者はゼロからスタートし、レベル 1000 に向けて完全な進行曲線を通過しますが、途中でマイクロトランザクションの購入を行い、2 年間ゲームをプレイします。ゲーム開発者はマイクロトランザクションの購入と広告収入から 500 ドル以上を稼ぎますが、OG はいかなる金銭的価値も得ません。


In F2P games, the microtransaction items that will enable a newbie to skip the progress and level up to 1000 immediately are priced in a way so that it exceeds the cumulative revenue that the newbie would have brought throughout his lifetime as a player (ad revenue + microtransaction purchases + extended lifetime).
F2Pゲームでは、初心者が進行をスキップしてすぐに1000までレベルアップできるマイクロトランザクションアイテムは、初心者がプレイヤーとしての生涯を通じてもたらしたであろう累積収益(広告収入+マイクロトランザクション購入+延長存続期間) を超えるように価格設定されています。


In scenario A, the OG doesn’t add any value to the ecosystem. The game becomes less fun for the newbie who churns and the game developer who is responsible for reinvesting back into game development has less money to spend. Scenario A poses a significant loss to the game
developer on a unit economics basis.

シナリオ A では、OG はエコシステムに何の価値も付加しません。離脱する初心者にとってはゲームの面白さが減り、ゲーム開発に再投資する責任があるゲーム開発者は使えるお金が少なくなります。シナリオAは、ユニット経済学ベースでゲーム開発者に大きな損失をもたらします。。

​​Gold Farming Problem & Blue Collar Grinders

There is a famous American quote that got popular in the Great Depression Era.


There is no free lunch


Just because someone spends time and effort doing something doesn’t mean that person deserves to get paid. There needs to be a market willing to pay for that specific service. There is a reason why an NFT 3d modeler could earn a construction worker’s 1-year salary in 1 month even though the effort spent is dramatically different. Every service has its own supply & demand dynamics. Time & effort spent to grind to level up a character is typically a low-value add service that could be easily commoditized as it requires almost no barriers to entry and no experience/education.


In a previous article, we argued that the minimum wage for the grinders will be determined by a discount on the poorest country’s minimum income — why a discount? Because the minimum wage is an artificial floor determined by the governments — unemployment + child labor + working at home with little stress is better than driving an Uber are factors that will lead the grinder wage to be lower than the poorest country’s residents that play the game.
以前の記事で、噴砂労働者の最低賃金は、最貧国の最低所得の割引によって決定されると主張しましたが、なぜ割引なのでしょうか? 最低賃金は政府が決めた人為的な下限であり、失業+児童労働+ストレスの少ない在宅勤務の方がUberを運転するよりもましであり、肉体労働者の賃金がゲームをプレイする最貧国の住民よりも低くなる要因です。


The moment there is an opportunity for someone to game the system and make money, that opportunity will be fully exploited until there is no money left to be made.


The sharks can smell blood underwater no matter how far they are


The industrialization of gold farmers has always been a problem for the gaming industry as the nature of the business is based on extracting value. E.g. I find 20k underaged blue-collar workers in Ethiopia, pay them $1 per day to play a game 24/7. Assuming the average worker
levels up a character from 0 to 10 in a day and I’m able to sell a level 10 character for $3; I can make $4k a day. The rationale next step for me would be to continue finding more workers and scale the business until there is no opportunity to make money from the game.
ゲーム業界のビジネスの性質は価値の抽出に基づいているため、ゴールドファーマーの産業化は常にゲーム業界にとって問題となっています。例えば。私はエチオピアで 2 万人の未成年のブルーカラー労働者を見つけ、彼らに 1 日あたり 1 ドルを支払い、24 時間 365 日ゲームをプレイさせています。平均的な労働者が 1 日にキャラクターを 0 から 10 までレベルアップすると仮定すると、私はレベル 10 のキャラクターを 3 ドルで売ることができます。 私は1日4万ドル稼げます。私にとっての次のステップの論理的根拠は、ゲームから収益を得る機会がなくなるまで、より多くの労働者を見つけ続け、ビジネスを拡大することです。


Meanwhile, the game economy is messed up because there is massive hyperinflation that undervalues items that normal players earned through playing the core loops which impacts the compulsion loop and progression that makes the game fun. Players feel frustrated as they feel
it is unfair that the rare sword that they should be rewarded through gameplay, goes to a gold farmer who sells it on the grey market to another player.

Does that mean open economies within a game where in-game items could be sold for real money on a permissionless exchange will never work and the exchange of items for real money should be banned?


The default approach from the traditional gaming industry has been banning real money trade but we believe there is a way where an open game economy with a healthy secondary market can exist without damaging the player experience but a significantly proactive central bank-ish
approach is needed to prevent the mentioned problems and find a balance to the force.















EcoFlow Japan