
(2)2023年に50倍の収益の上がる暗号通貨コインのベスト8​8 best cryptocurrency coins with a 50x return in 2023. 





​2. Ripple (XRP) — The most promising DeFi investment in 2023

Ripple is a DeFi digital asset that enables real-time global payments by facilitating cheap and efficient financial transfers. When compared to traditional providers, the average customer can save up to 60% on transaction fees.


Ripple’s greatest strength is its large number of user cases, which is a major reason for the token’s expected value growth. Ripple is the underlying technology behind Ripple Net, one of the leading Fintech enterprise-grade payment systems over the last decade. The native coin, XRP, is used to speed up international payments by shortening the time it takes banks to process cross-border financial transactions.


XRP is also compatible with the XRP Ledger (XRPL), a decentralized network that supports smart contracts and decentralized applications (dApps).
XRP は同じく XRP 元帳(XRPL)、スマート契約と分散型アプリケーション(dApps)をサポートする分散したネットワークと互換性があります。

​Why should you buy XRP?
なぜ XRPを買うべきか?​

At this point, there is little risk in investing in XRP. Ripple is the target of a long-running lawsuit filed by the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). Many experts believe Ripple will survive the legal challenge, giving the currency a significant advantage in terms of investment and value.


Ripple already has long-standing relationships with major financial institutions such as JP Morgan and the Bank of England. This trust from global behemoths is a significant feather in XRP’s cap.
リップルはすでにJPモルガンやイングランド銀行などの大手金融機関と長年にわたる関係を築いています。世界的な巨大企業からのこの信頼は、XRP の自慢にできるものです。


If XRP can overcome the legal stumbling block, it will be a prime candidate for a 2023 boom. With backing from some of the world’s largest and most established financial institutions, the sky is the limit for XRP in 2023, with a maximum return of 50x. The question is whether the coin will flip. As a result, it is one of the best DeFi projects to invest in for 2023.
XRPが法的な障害を克服できれば、2023年のブームの最有力候補となるだろう。世界最大かつ最も確立された金融機関の支援により、2023 年には XRP の限界は無限に広がり、最大収益は 50 倍となります。問題は、コインの裏表どちらになるかです。結果として、これは2023年に投資するのに最適なDeFiプロジェクトの1つです。

​3. Shiba Inu (SHIB) — meme coin with serious 2023 plans
3.シバイヌ(SHIB)- 重大な2023年の計画のあるミームコイン​

Shiba Inu has been cited as an excellent entry point for people new to crypto investments and the Web3 space. When 400 trillion tokens were sent to Ethereum creator Vitalik Buterin, it experienced a massive surge in popularity and growth. He chose to burn 90% of these coins, which were later valued at $6.7 billion, igniting massive interest and growth in SHIB.
シバイヌは、暗号通貨投資や Web3 スペースに初めて取り組む人々にとって、優れた入口点として挙げられています。 400兆のトークンがイーサリアムの作成者ヴィタリック・ブテリンに送られたとき、イーサリアムの人気と成長は大幅に高まりました。彼はこれらのコインの 90% を燃やすことを選択し、後にその価値は 67 億ドルと評価され、SHIB への大きな関心と成長に点火しました。


Shibarium, a layer 2 network for Ethereum, will be launched in 2023, providing SHIB token holders with a secure, scalable network to receive and send SHIB. It will also continue to help crypto artists create NFT artwork while also providing a marketplace for Shiba-inspired art to be bought and sold.
イーサリアムのレイヤー2 ネットワークである シバリウムは 2023 年に開始され、SHIB トークン所有者に SHIB を送受信するための安全で拡張可能なネットワークを提供します。また、仮想通貨アーティストがNFTアートワークを創造するのを支援し続けると同時に、Shibaに触発されたアートが売買される市場も提供します。

​Why should you buy SHIB?
なぜ SHIB を買うべきか?​

With the release of Shibarium in 2023, Shiba Inu hopes to transition from a popular meme coin to a serious player in the DeFi space. This network promises lower SHIB transaction costs as well as a platform for developing dApps. This has the potential to increase Shiba Inu’s appeal and usability.

With SHIB currently trading at more than 90% of its all-time high and hugely appealing plans for 2023 on the horizon, the current minuscule trading price represents an outstanding opportunity for investors to make up to 50x gains and one of the best DeFi projects for 2023 investments.













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