Three final things:

1. These are all meant to be testable interventions.

2. They are designed to be inherently non-partisan.
それらは生得的に超党派であるよう設計されます -。

3. They will all likely result in short-term reductions in engagement and ad revenue, but a possible long-term increase in perception, health, and well-being.

These are not perfect solutions. They are starting points which can be explored more thoroughly. Part of the goal of this effort is to advance a conversation about these tools grounded in testable outcomes. With that in mind, I will update this article from time to time when there is more evidence and research available.
これらは完ぺきな解決ではありません。 それらはいっそう徹底的に探究される可能性のある開始点です。 この努力のゴールの一部は検証可能な結果に基礎を置かれたこれらの手段について会話を進めることです。 それを念頭に置いて、もっと多くの利用可能な証拠と研究があるとき、私は時折この論文を更新するでしょう。

I hope that by thoughtfully picking apart, testing, and critiquing these designs it might lead us toward something that is ultimately a better alternative to the divisive, toxic and deeply unhealthy digital sphere we mutually inhabit.


