
Traveling on a budget can be challenging, especially when it comes to transportation. One of the biggest expenses for travelers is often getting from the airport to their accommodation. In the case of Schiphol Airport in Amsterdam, taking a taxi can be quite costly. However, there are several tips and tricks you can use to get a cheaper Schiphol taxi. In this article, we will explore these strategies and provide you with 10 valuable tips that will help you save money on your transportation expenses.

Plan Ahead and Book in Advance

Sub-Why planning ahead is important

Planning ahead is crucial when it comes to getting a cheaper Schiphol taxi. By booking your taxi in advance, you can take advantage of discounted rates and special offers. Many taxi companies offer early bird discounts or promotional codes that can significantly reduce the cost of your ride.

Sub-How to book in advance

To book your Schiphol taxi in advance, you can visit the websites of various taxi companies or use online platforms that specialize in airport transfers. These platforms allow you to compare prices and choose the most affordable option. Additionally, some websites offer exclusive deals and discounts for online bookings.

Use Ride-Sharing Services

Sub-What are ride-sharing services?

Ride-sharing services have revolutionized the way we travel. Platforms like Uber and Lyft connect passengers with drivers who are willing to provide rides at lower rates compared to traditional taxis. Using ride-sharing services can be an excellent way to save money on your Schiphol taxi.

Sub-Benefits of using ride-sharing services

There are several benefits of using ride-sharing services for your airport transfer. Firstly, these platforms often offer lower fares compared to traditional taxis. Additionally, you can estimate the cost of your ride in advance, eliminating any surprises or hidden charges. Lastly, ride-sharing services usually have a rating system that allows you to choose drivers with positive feedback and ensure a safe and comfortable journey.

Consider Public Transportation

Sub-Public transportation options from Schiphol Airport

Schiphol Airport is well-connected to the city center by public transportation. There are several options available, including trains, buses, and trams. Utilizing public transportation can be a much cheaper alternative to taking a taxi.

Sub-How to navigate public transportation

Navigating public transportation in a foreign city can be intimidating, but with a little planning, it can be a breeze. Before your trip, familiarize yourself with the public transportation system in Amsterdam. Download relevant apps or maps that will help you find the right bus or train. Additionally, consider purchasing an OV-chipkaart (public transport card) for easy and convenient payment.

Share a Taxi with Others

Sub-Benefits of sharing a taxi

Sharing a taxi with fellow travelers is not only a budget-friendly option but also an eco-friendly one. By splitting the fare with others heading in the same direction, you can significantly reduce your expenses while minimizing your carbon footprint.

Sub-How to find fellow travelers to share a taxi

To find fellow travelers to share a taxi with, you can utilize online platforms or forums dedicated to travel communities. These platforms allow you to connect with like-minded individuals who may be arriving at Schiphol Airport around the same time as you. By coordinating your schedules and destinations, you can arrange to share a taxi and split the costs.

Opt for Off-Peak Hours

Sub-Advantages of traveling during off-peak hours

Traveling during off-peak hours can have several advantages, including lower taxi fares. Taxi companies often offer discounted rates during periods when there is less demand. By scheduling your arrival or departure during these times, you can take advantage of these reduced rates and save money on your Schiphol taxi.

Sub-Identifying off-peak hours

To identify off-peak hours, it is essential to research the peak travel times to and from Schiphol Airport. Avoiding rush hour and weekends can typically result in lower fares. Additionally, consider traveling during shoulder seasons or less popular months when tourism is lower.

Utilize Discount Cards or Coupons

Sub-Types of discount cards or coupons available

There are various discount cards and coupons available that can help you save money on your Schiphol taxi. These cards may offer discounts for specific taxi companies or provide general discounts on transportation services in Amsterdam.

Sub-How to obtain discount cards or coupons

To obtain discount cards or coupons, you can visit the official tourism website of Amsterdam or search for deals on travel websites. Additionally, some hotels may offer special packages that include discounted transportation options. Make sure to read the terms and conditions of the discounts to ensure they are applicable to your specific needs.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q: Can I negotiate the fare with a Schiphol taxi driver? A: It is generally not customary to negotiate the fare with a Schiphol taxi driver. The fares are usually fixed based on the distance traveled and regulated by local authorities.

Q: Are there any additional charges for luggage in a Schiphol taxi? A: Most taxis at Schiphol Airport do not charge extra for luggage. However, it is always a good idea to confirm this with the driver before starting your journey.

Q: Can I pay for a Schiphol taxi with a credit card? A: Yes, most Schiphol taxis accept credit card payments. However, it is advisable to have some cash on hand, as not all taxis may have card payment facilities.

Q: How far in advance should I book my Schiphol taxi? A: It is recommended to book your Schiphol taxi at least 24 hours in advance to secure the best rates and availability.

Q: Are there any alternative transportation options from Schiphol Airport? A: Yes, besides taxis, you can also consider taking a train, bus, or tram from Schiphol Airport to your destination in Amsterdam.

Q: Is it safe to take a taxi from Schiphol Airport? A: Taxis at Schiphol Airport are regulated and generally safe. However, it is always advisable to use reputable taxi companies or ride-sharing services for added security.


Traveling on a budget doesn\'t mean sacrificing convenience or comfort. By following these 10 tips, you can get a cheaper Schiphol taxi and save money without compromising on your travel experience. Remember to plan ahead, explore alternative transportation options, and take advantage of discounts and promotions. With a little research and preparation, you can navigate Amsterdam's transportation system like a pro while keeping your expenses in check. So why spend more when you can enjoy the same benefits at a fraction of the cost? Start implementing these tips today and make your next trip to Amsterdam an affordable one.