
For my Golden Week vacation yesterday early morning I left my hotel in Bangkok and went to the airport and flew to Phuket 


Yesterday before the afternoon my wife and her friends and I all arrived safely and checked into our resort hotel 




After we ate lunch we all just relaxed at our room pool 



Yesterday was my favorite sister Sonya's birthday so in the evening we had a surprise birthday party for her at a Thai Restaurant here in Phuket 





On our way to the after party bar we took all of Sonya's birthday balloons and put into the Hi-Ace car that I reserved and took a picture 



Then we all had a nice time drinking at the bar 



SONYAちゃんがすごく喜んでホテルに着いてからまたバルーンと写真取りました〜爆笑音譜 最高な誕生日会でした〜グッド!ウインク音譜

Sonya had a great time and after arriving back to our room Sonya took another picture with her balloons  We all had a great birthday party 


坊主之腹筋 さん 【プーケットのビーチめちゃめちゃキレイです~(^o^)/ 後でプーケットのビーチ写真アップします~☆ 僕はもう泳げないで見るだけ~(*⁰⁰*);】

しぃか☆ さん 【コメントありがとうございます~☆(^o^)/ プーケットの海はすごくキレイです~☆ 後ほど僕のブログにプーケットの海写真のせます~(^_-)-☆ うん… なぜか英語のコメント出来ない見たい(泣) アメブロが管理していますのでなぜか英語のコメント出来ない~ >人<;】