
These past days my eyes have been getting a bit bad and I think I'm getting Presbyopia ~_~;


Yesterday my staff went to pick up my company's computer that was getting fixed so I went went with them and stopped the eye glass store (^-^)/


While me and my staff were on our way to pick up the computer there was a lot of traffic so while in the car me and my staff tested my new galaxy cell phone's camera ニコニコ音譜




新しいサムソン携帯が声で自動シャッターなります音譜 キャプチャー、チーズ、シュート & スマイル言えば自動で自分の写真取れます音譜 タイではキャプチャーが大人気です~べーっだ!チョキ

The new Samsung cell phone can take pictures by voice command such as capture, cheese, shoot and smile. Here in Thailand capture is the most famous saying (^_-)-☆


そして無事に新しいメガネ買えました音譜 似合わないと思うけど仕方ないですね~しょぼんあせる

I bought my new eyeglasses. I may not look to good with the glasses on but I have to start wearing them sooner or later (^_^;)/





Jankiさん【カオマンガイ大好きです(笑)! ソースは中辛だけど僕は辛い物苦手です~^_^;】

坊主之腹筋 さん唐辛子は辛いよねぇ(汗)! セントルイスは辛い物少しだけあります~;^_^A