
Yesterday was the final day for the Bangkok Gems & Jewelry Fair (^O^)/



Yesterday for my lunch I went a Japanese Ramen Restaurant called "Taisho-Tei" and ate some delicious tonkotsu ramen and gyoza (^-^)/


フェアの中友達松下社長が紹介してくれた友達伊原社長のブース宝石紫Well Field宝石赤  www.wellfield.th.com  /  www.wellfield.net  も出してました音譜  伊原社長のビル会社は高級オリジナルリングとジュエリーを作ってる会社ですニコニコ音譜 フェア中時間ある時ちょこちょこ伊原社長のブース遊びに行きましたにひひチョキ

At the fair my friend Mr. Ihara that my other friend Mr. Matsushita introduced to me also had his company's booth "Well Field"  ww.wellfield.th.com  /  www.wellfield.net  at the fair. His company makes high class original rings and other jewelry. During the fair I went to visit his booth every now and then when I had time (^_^)v

前友達松下社長さんと一緒に伊原社長の会社見学行った時僕が相撲時代ケガした指なかなか僕の指にハマるリングがなくての話していました音譜 そして昨日伊原社長がその話し覚えてピッタリのリングを作ってくれましたアップにひひアップ びっくりした叫びけどすごく嬉しいです音譜にひひチョキ 名前入りと NEVER GIVE UP も入ってメチャメチャかっこいいですアップアップアップ 伊原社長とみんなさんありがとうございましたニコニコ音譜

Awhile back when my friend Mr. Matsushita introduced me to Mr. Ihara we were talking about how I was unable to find a ring that would fit my injured finger that I hurted during my sumo days and Mr. Uh area remembered having that conversation and yesterday he gave me a beautiful ring that he made for me. I was so suprised and very happy. The ring also has my name in it and also Never Give Up! It is really cool!!! Thank you Mr. Ihara and staff *\(^o^)/*




昨日でやっと長い、宝石白バンコクジェム&ジュエリーフェア宝石紫が終わりましたにひひあせる 今回のフェアかなり良かったグッド!目音譜 夜夜の街僕のスタッフと一緒に近くの日本料理レストランでお疲れ様会ナイフとフォークディナーしましたニコニコチョキ

Yesterday the long Bangkok Gems & Jewelry Fair finally finished. In the evening me and my staff all went to eat dinner at Japanese Restaurant near the event hall (^ー^)ノ






ブースに来てくれたみんなさんありがとうございましたニコニコ また来年の宝石赤バンコクジェム&ジュエリーフェア宝石緑でお会いするを楽しみにしていますにひひチョキ

I want thank everyone who visted my booth. I look forward to seeing you all at next years Bangkok Gems & Jewelry Fair \(^o^)/

坊主之腹筋 さん
ico さん
篠原 さん
