
Last night I went to Asakayama Beya's end of the tournament party (^-^)/



浅香山親方(元大関魁皇)が新しい部屋を作って始めての東京場所千秋楽パーティーやりました音譜 親方が自分の部屋を作って本当に良かったアップアップアップ asakayamabeya.net アップアップアップ 僕がこれからずっと応援しますグッド!にひひ音譜

Asakayama Oyakata ( Ex-Ozeki Kaiou) started his own sumo beya and this Tokyo Basho was his first end of the tournament party. I'am very happy the he has started his own beya!!! asakayamabeya.net
I will be rooting for Asakayama Beya!!!

今弟子4人います音譜 そして4人とも勝ち越ししましたグッド!にひひ 全員に勝ち越しお祝い金あげましたニコニコチョキ

He has 4 sumo wrestlers now and all 4 of them made a winning record so I gave all of them a reward money (^_-)-☆




The party was held at Chanko Tomoegata in Ryogoku and the food was very delicious *\(^o^)/*



すごく楽しいパーティーでしたグッド!にひひ音譜 また9月場所楽しみにしていますアップにひひアップ

I had a great time! I'am looking forward to the next basho in September (^O^)/




みんなさんぜひ浅香山部屋応援よろしくお願いしますニコニコ 今弟子入り募集しています。力士になりたい子いったらぜひ僕にメッセージくださいにひひチョキ

Everybody lets all root for Asakayama Beya. He is searching for any kid that would like to become a sumo wrestler. If there is anybody interested then please send me a message (^ー^)ノ

princess さん
虹の欠片 さん
