
Yesterday was the first day back to work in this new year and I had to start work at 5:30 in the morning, but I did my best ^_^;

昨日朝早くスタッフと一緒に二俣川駅向かえました汗 途中で環七どりとあるいつも行く立ち食いそば屋に寄ってとっても美味しいラーメンかけうどん割り箸食べましたべーっだ!チョキ

Yesterday early morning me and my staff headed to Futamatagawa Station. On our way we stopped by an udon restaurant that we usually go on the Kannana Road and I ate a very delicious udon noodle (^_-)-☆


そのあと246ドリ走ってる時途中で富士山キレイに見えました目音譜 写真では見えにくいかも~ガーンダウン

Then while we were on the 246 road I saw the beautiful Mt. Fuji but it is hard to see in the picture that I took ^_^;


昨日から9日まで二俣川駅の解説入り口前僕のビル会社の催事ブースのセッティングしましたニコニコ もし見かけたらぜひ寄って見てください~にひひチョキ

Starting from yesterday until the 9th my company has a special event booth in front of the entrance at the Futamatagawa train station. If you happen to be there please stop by and take a look at our booth ^_^




After finishing up setting our booth at the Futamatagawa Station I went back to my office and our cat Mi Chan was sleeping as usual... lol... (^_-)-☆
