昨日は本当にストレスがめちゃくちゃたまりましてブログやフェイスブックにぶつけてみんなさん心配かけてすいませんしょぼんあせる たくさんコメントやメッセージくれてありがとうございますあせる はじめてこんなにストレスではないので僕は必ず乗り越えてさらに頑張れるグーにひひ 

Yesterday I had some very very bad stress that backed and I just couldn't take it no more and mentioned it on my blog and facebook. Sorry for making everybody worry about me. I thank you all for the comments and messages. It wasn't my first time having a lot of stress so I know that I can get over and keep on moving forward and doing my best!! (^ー^)ノ

昨日のランチはこんなとっても美味しい焼き豚とライス食べましたニコニコ音譜 今回のタイ出張この焼き豚とライスはまりましたべーっだ!音譜

For my lunch yesterday I ate this delicious pork and rice meal. This time during my work here in Thailand I have been hooked on this pork and rice meal ^_-☆
