
Last night after work I went to a Teppanyaki Restaurant in Minami Aoyama with my friend Kunihiro from Yokohama  (^o^)/


クニヒロは20年以上とのお付き合いしています音譜 クニヒロもこの間僕の引退試合応援に来てくれたにひひチョキ

I have been friends with Kunihiro for more than 20 years \(^o^)/   The other day he also came to cheer for me at my retirement fight (^ー^)ノ



Last night was Kunihiro's friend Mr. Nakanishi's birthday dinner. Mr. Nakanishi really likes to watch fights so I gave him my practice gloves and signed the gloves for his birthday present from me (^_-)-☆

