
Yesterday morning on my day off I went the dentist (^o^)/



Last night I saw my friend Mr. Marty Keuhnert from Sendai after such a long time \(^o^)/

マティーさんが今仙台大学の先生です音譜 昨日星夜マティーさんがアメリカから日本に来てるカリフォルニア・スティート・大学・ロング・ビーチの学生7人両国駅前のちゃんこ屋割り箸花の前割り箸連れてみんなと一緒に美味しいちゃんこ割り箸食べましたニコニコチョキ

Marty is a teacher at the Sendai College. He took 7 college students from California State University Long Beach to a Chanko Restaurant called " Hananomae " near the Ryogoku train station and we all ate some very delicious Chanko together (^ー^)ノ





I used to be a sumo wrestler so while we were eating the delicious Chanko I talked to them about my experience in sumo (^o^)/


Inside the restaurant there is a huge sumo ring so the restaurant was very nice (^_^)/



After we all finished eating the delicious Chanko they wanted to do some arm wrestling ( ^_^)/





Then the college students took a picture near the sumo ring (^ー^)ノ



Then I took a picture with Marty and the students before they left (^_-)-☆


学生たちが始めて日本来ました音譜 今日みんながアメリカ帰るけど日本でいい思い出来たと思いますべーっだ!チョキ

It was the students first time in Japan. They will all be leaving to go back to America today. I'm sure that they had a great and memorable time in Japan *\(^o^)/*