
Yesterday was my last day working at my factory here in Korat (^_^;)

今回は一ヶ月半ぐらいタイのビル工場いましたあせる 色々とたくさんのメモ勉強出来ましたグッド!目音譜 これからもタイのビル工場がさらに良くなると思いますにひひチョキ

This trip I have been at my factory here in Thailand for about a month in a half and I have learned a lot during my stay. I believe that my factory will get even better (^_-)-☆

ビル工場のスタッフのみんなさん色々とありがとうございました音譜 あと友達の松下社長と渡部さん色々と紹介してくれてありがとうございました音譜 お互いとっても忙しくてなかなかお会い出来なかったけど次僕がコラートに来る時またお会いするを楽しみにしていますニコニコチョキ

I want to thank all of my staff workers at my factory for everything during my stay. I also want thank Mr. Matsushita and Mr. Watanabe for introducing me to a lot of places. I know that we were all very busy so we didn't have much time to see each other but I will be looking forward to seeing you all again the next time I come to Korat (^ー^)ノ


Yesterday after work I stopped by a pottery shop to by some gifts (^_-)-☆


全部手作りでしたでびっくりしました叫び 色んな可愛い物ありましたニコニコ音譜

I was very suprised to know that they were all handmade!! There were a lot of cute gifts there (^-^)/

さてとこれから一週間ぐらいバンコク行きます音譜 バンコク市内では展示会あります。うちのビル工場が大きなブースありますので後ほどまたその展示会紹介しますべーっだ!音譜

Well, I will be heading down to stay in Bangkok for about a week. There will be a Jewelry Fair in the city of Bangkok and my factory will have a big booth there. I will let you all know about the fair later (^O^)/
