今日でもう11月終わりますねひらめき電球 早いな~叫び 12月入ると一番忙しい月だけど頑張りますにひひあせる

Today is already the last day of November! Man it seems to go by so fast! (^_^;)/ December is one of my busy month but I will do my best!! (⌒-⌒; )/


Yesterday for my lunch I ate a very delicious deep fried roast pork meal at the restaurant near my company (^_-)-☆



Then last night after work I went to Higashi Nakano Golds Gym and had a very good practice with Kato Sensei and Takasei.


高瀬選手は1月7日の試合に向かって練習頑張っていますグッド!目 みんなさんぜひ高瀬選手も応援よろしくお願いしますニコニコ音譜

Takasei is training hard and preparing for his fight on January 7th. Everybody please root for him as well ( ^_^)/~~~
