
I had to work and did my best from early this morning to after 7pm

うちのビル会社は今すごく忙しいですあせる 9月6日から9日まで東京ビッグサイトの指輪GIFT SHOW指輪のじゅんびでかなり忙しいですガーンあせる

My company is very very busy now!! We are very busy preparing for the GIFT SHOW at the Tokyo Big Site on Septemaber 6th to 9th.


男の子僕は毎日出ますので時計時間あったらぜひ遊びに来てください音譜 後で男の子僕のおすすめ指輪商品と場所教えますニコニコチョキ

I will be there everyday so if you all have time please come and check it out. I will introduce you to my recommended product and where abouts later.


By the way today after finishing work while I was walking to my car I was suprised that an 11yr old girl came up to me and asked if I have seen a yellow apartment near here.


She was lost and she couldn't find her way back home she said so I got on our company's bicycle and helped her look for her way back home.


After riding for about 40min ahe was still unable to find her way back home so we rode back to my company and I called the police and they came and took her back home safely..... lol


