やっと僕の新しいアパートでネット使えるになりました~!!(^o^;)/☆ 一ヶ月前ぐらいから引っ越しましたそしてネットがしばらくパソコン使えなくって~(汗) 今はやっと使えるになりました!!\(^_^)/ ずっとコメントの返事出来なくってごめんなさいね~(・_・;) ちゃんとコメント全部見てます、みんなさんからのコメント本当にありがとうございます~☆ 今までずっと携帯からブログアップしてました~(汗)

I'am finally able to use the internet in my new apartment!! Since about a month ago I have not been able to use my computer because I had no internet service! Now I'am finally able to use the internet!! I'am sorry for not being able to reply back to your comments. I have seen all of your comments and I thank you all very much!! I have been updating my blog from my cell phone!

引っ越しながら、練習とトレーニングすごく大変でしたけど頑張ってます!あとその間も今年の後半何とか僕のフィットネスジム・道場をやることになりました~☆-( ^-゚)v まだまだこれから色々と大変だけど場所とかまたお知らせします。お楽しみにしてください~(*^-^)b

I was doing my best moving into my new apartment while doing my practice and training but it was very hard! Also I plan on making my own fitness gym / fighting dojo some time at the end of this year so I have been very busy working on that as well!! I still have alot to do on that but please look forward to it, I will let you all know more information as the time goes by.

今日もめちゃめちゃ暑いけどこれ中野ゴールドジムのトレーニング頑張ります!(^o^;)/☆ みんなさんも暑い中頑張ってください~(^_^)v

Today is very very hot but I will be going to the Nakano Golds Gym for my training soon and do my best! I hope you all do your best in this very hot weather too!!
