
今日は吹上HEAT FITNESS GYMで仕事と練習すごく頑張りました! 今日の練習は志
村館長と恩田と一緒に鶴舞公園までジョギングして、そして吹上HEAT FITNESS

I did my very best in my work and practice at the Fukiage Heat Fitness
Gym today. For my practice today I went jogging with Mr. Shimura and
Onda at the Tsurumai Park. Then I did some tire pulling in front of
the gym. Then went back to the gym and did some mitt work with Mr.
Shimura and some ground sparring with Onda. Man it was very hard!


I'am now on the bullet train heading for Tokyo. Tomorrow morning I
have to take care of something with my passport for my trip to Korea.
After I do that then I will go back to Nagoya and do my best in my
training and practice! Well, I will go and get some sleep in this
bullet train now.

Team Fighting Dragon

戦闘竜 ヘンリー