昨日夜吹上ジムで僕がやってるパーソナルトレーニングのお客さんが長くなって中村道場行けなかった~(^人^) 月曜日の夜中村道場行きます~ その時頑張って練習します~(^O^)/
Last night I had to do a late personal training for my customer at the Fukiage Gym so I was unable to go to the Nakamura Dojo. I will go to Nakamura Dojo monday evening and do my training.

昨日夜吹上ジムの仕事とトレーニング終わってから知り合いとごはん食べに行きました~o(^-^)o 中区栄にあるめちゃめちゃ美味しい店行きました。その店の名前は"ごみとり"です~(^O^) 鳥専門の店~(^_^) またその店行くのは楽しみにしています~(^O^)/
Last night after my work and training at the Fukiage Gym I met my friend and we went out to eat dinner. We went to a delicious restaraunt in Naka-Ku, Sakae. The name of the restaraunt is "GOMITORI". It is famous for eating chicken. I'am looking forward to going there again.

Even though today is a Sunday I will do my best at work and in my training.

Team Fighting Dragon 戦闘竜