Starting from today I will do my best at work, practice and training this week.
今日のランチごはんは会社の近くの韓国コーヒーレスト行ってカレーライス食べました すごく美味しいかった
Today for my lunch I went to the Korean Coffee Restaurant and ate curry rice. It was very delicious.
夜はいい練習出来ました 練習終わってから一人写真とりました
In the evening I had a good practice. After practice I took some pictures of myself.
体がどんどんいい感じになってきました 3月の試合練習頑張ります 絶対勝ちます 僕の後ろが同じ道場の曽根くんです http://shimura-dojo.com/
My body is starting to look good. I will to my best in practice to prepare myself for my fight in March. I will win!! Behind me is Sone Kun, we are in the same dojo.
Here is a picture of me and Onda, we are in the same dojo.
恩田選手がとってもデカイです 195cmくらいあるから僕がちょうとしんちょうのびしてるのはわかる
Onda is very big. He is about 195cm tall so can you see me standing on my toes!? LOL
I will do my best again tomorrow!!