昨日夜夜の街志村道場行ってかなりハードの練習しました~(^o^;) 昨日ミットうちとスパーリング15ラウンドいい上やりました~(^O^)/ 

Last night I went to Shimura Dojo and did my very hard practice. I did over 15 rounds of mitts and sparring.

トマスさんと恩田選手とスパーリングやりました合格 復帰戦に向かってトレーニングと練習頑張りますにひひパンチ!

I did my sparring with Thomas San and Onda San. I will do my best in my training and practice to get prepared for my come back fight.


Today in the afternoon I ate lunch with my manager Takahashi San. We both ate a delicious pasta plate.


Today I will do my best in my practice again!