やった!! 昨日魁皇関が勝ち越し出来ました(8勝4敗)ニコニコチョキ 立ち合いなかなかあわないからちょうと心配しましたけど勝ってよかったです~≧(´▽`)≦ あと3日間ケガないよに頑張って欲しいです音譜

Yeah!! Yesterday Kaiou-zeki got his winning score (8wins 4losses). I was kinda worried yesterday because in his sumo he didn't get a good start at first but, he ended up winning! He has 3 more days to go so I hope he finishes the tournament without any injuries.

あと僕が応援している北勝力関は今7勝5敗です~(*^▽^*) きっともう一つ勝って勝ち越しを出来ると思いますアップ 頑張れ!!!!

The other sumo wrestler that I'am cheering for is Hokutoriki-zeki. His score now is 7wins 5losses. I'am sure that he will win one more to get his winning score. Good Luck!!


Today I will do my best in my training!!!