今日夕方からビリー中野ゴールド・ジムビリー行っていい練習柔道出来ましたケアベア ピンクGOOD

Today in the late afternoon I went to Nakano Golds Gym for my practice.


Today I did some sparring practice with my teacher Katou San and another guy, Kawaguchi who just won the DEEP Megaton MMA Fighting Tournament.


This is Kawaguchi~


Here is a picture of me and my teacher Katou San that was taken a few days ago.

二人とも今日の練習ありがとうございましたアップDASH! 明日またトレーニング頑張りますチップとデール チップガッツ

Thank you both for the hard practice today. I will do my very best in my training tomorrow!!