おととい名古屋の格闘技 "HEAT" とっても楽しいかった~(^-^)/ 面白い試合たくさんありました~(*^▽^*)

The day before yesterday I had a great time watching the fights at the HEAT fighting event. There were alot of interesting fights

僕がセコンドにすいたアメリカ終身のジャスティン選手が2RでTKO勝ちしましたアップアップアップ いい試合でしたグッド!にひひ 僕がセコンドにすいてよかったと言われました~(^_^)v

I was the second man for Justin who is from America. He won by a TKO in the 2nd round. It was a very good fight. Justin said that he was very happy to have me in his corner

あと僕が応援してた恩田選手も判定勝ちしましたアップアップアップ 二人ともすごくいい試合しましたグッド!にひひ

Also the other guy Onda San that I was rooting for also won by decision. Both of them had a good fight


Then while I was in the dressing room I took some pictures of the ring girls


I took some pictures with my digital camera but I will update those pictures when I get back to Tokyo

今日これから大阪行けますニコニコDASH! また大阪からブログアップします~f^_^;

Today I will be going to Osaka. I will update my blog again from Osaka