Pensacola, Florida 行った時ビーチ行きました。とってもキレイなところです~\(^_^)/ ビーチ向かったとき車からサイコのけしきカメラとりました。

While I was in Pensacola, Florida I went to the beach. It was a very beautiful place. While we were on our way to the beach I took a nice picture from the car


Pensacola Beach is a very very beautiful beach. Very wide with white sand on the beach

海に入ってとっても気持ちかったアップ ちょうとだけ冷たかった~(;^_^A

I got in the water and it felt really good but it was a bit chilly

日本では僕がよく九十九里浜行ってますけどキレイさがぜんぜん違う叫び びっくりしたのは。。。。ゴミがまったくない。必ずあちこちゴミすてるところありました。日本のビーチはないからけっこゴミがありすぎでちょうときたないと思いましたガーンあせる

When I'm in Japan I often go to the Kujyukuri Beach but it is totally different. I was surprised to see how clean the beach was. There is a trash can everywhere. At the beach in Japan they do not have trash cans on the beach so I think that is why there is so much trash at the beach


Here is a picture of me and my sister


Well gotta go, when I have time I will update my blog again okay