
From the 28th until the 31st we will be going on a family trip

アメリカのメンフィス、フロリダとニュー・オーリンズ皆で車で行きます~(^-^)/ すごく楽しみにしています~(*^▽^*) 28日朝5時しっぱつします~(^o^;) たくさん写真取りますのでブログアップするを楽しんでください~(^_^)v

We will be going to Memphis, Florida and New Orleans here in America by car. I'am looking forward to the trip. On the 28th we will be leaving at 5 in the morning. I will take alot of pictures and update my it on my blog.


From the 28th until the 31st I won't be able to use my computer but when I get back I will definitely will update my blog