昨日お昼過ぎ幕張の 2008 Import Car Show 行きました。ごめんなさい。。。。この前の書き込みTokyo Big Site の 2008 Import Car Show と書きましたけど間違えました~(-。-;) 千葉県、幕張でした~(゜д゜;) 2006と2007まで Tokyo Big Site でしたからまた同じところでやると勝手に思いました~(°д°;)

Yesterday afternoon I went to the 2008 Import Car Show in Makuhari. Sorry, in my last update I made a mistake and mentioned that the Import Car Show will be held at the Tokyo Big Site area. It was held in Chiba-Ken, Makuhari area. 2006 & 2007 was at the Tokyo Big Site so I thought it was held there again.

昨日お昼過ぎから幕張行って知り合いのROBERUTA社長さんのところ遊びに行きました~(^-^)/ http://www.roberuta.com

Yesterday afternoon I went to the event to visit my friend Roberuta Owner's spot

めちゃめちゃかっこいい車たくさんありましたアップ ROBERUTA社長さんのところまず赤いフェラーりはこのかんじです。。。。

There were alot of very very nice cars there. Here is a picture of the Ferrari at the Roberuta Owner's spot


The best car at his spot is this car

Bugattiです。。。。2億もうするらしい~~ 聞いてびっくり~~(@_@)

It's a Bugatti...... It cost about 2,00,000,000yen (I think I got that right) I was shocked when he told me the price

RED BULLの女の子達と写真とりました~(^_-)☆

I took a picture with the Red Bull girls

RED BULL美味しいかった、ありがとうございました~(^-^)/ 僕はいつも練習する前に一本飲んでます~(o^-')b

The Red Bull was very delicious. Thank you very much. I always drink one before I do my training


Then later Kid San came to the event

2007年のImport Car Showもう来てました。その時の写真はこちらです。。。。

He came to the 2007 Import Car Show last year. He is a picture that we took then

KID選手もROBERUTA社長と同じく知り合いです~(^_^)v 3人で写真取りました~o(^-^)o

Kid San is also a friend of the Roberuta Owner. Here is a picture of me, Kid San and the Roberuta Owner

KID選手と色んな話し出来ました。とってもやさしい人です~(=⌒▽⌒=) 僕の膝治ったら今度ケンジと一緒にKID選手の道場行って練習します。色んなこと教えてもらえます、楽しみにしています~(*^-^)b ぜひKID選手のブログ遊びに行ってください~p(^-^)q


Me and Kid San had a nice conversation. He is a very nice person. After my knee heals up me and Kenji will go to his gym and do some training. He will teach us alot of things. I'am looking forward to going to his gym. Please visit his blog when you have time


Later I went outside of the event hall and there were alot of nice cars there

ROBERUTA社長のおかげで僕の愛車会場の外つけること出来た~\(^_^)/ そして色んな人が見に来てくれました~(^_-)☆

Roberuta Owner was able to have my car come in the event and park outside and blast my music. Alot of people came to see my car

とっても楽しいかったアップアップアップ ROBERUTA社長とスタッフの皆さんありがとうございました。。。。m(u_u)m

I had a great time at the event. Roberuta Owner and staff, thank you very much


After the event in the evening I met up with my friend from the gasoline stand and his girlfriend and the three of us went to our usual Yakiniku Restaurant in Araiyakushi area


I ate my favorite food


Yesterday was a great day