何だこの寒さ~~ヽ(*'0'*)ツ もう5月なのに~~(@ ̄Д ̄@;)

What's up with this cold weather! It's May........

今日朝千葉県で打ち合わせありました。かなりいい話しありました~(^-^)/ まだ教えない~(^_-)☆ お楽しみにしてください~(*^▽^*)

Today in the morning I had a meeting in Chiba perfecure. We had a good talk. I won't tell you what it is about yet so look forward to it~(smile)

打ち合わせ行く前に知り合いのROBERUTA社長さんの車会社寄りました~(o^-')b http://www.roberuta.com 今度の16日、17日、18日Tokyo Big Siteで2008Tokyo Import Car Showがあります。 ROBERUTA社長さんがめちゃカッコイイ車車3台くらい出せます。ぜひ見に来てください~o(^-^)o

Before going to the meeting I stopped by my friends shop (Roberuta). This coming 16th, 17th, 18th of this month there is a car event called 2008 Import Car Show at the Tokyo Big Site. My friend will have 3 cars on display there. If you have time, please come and check it out. 


Me and my friend took a picture with the Ferrari that will be at the show

もう1台PORSCHEのCAMERA GTもう出ます~p(^-^)q

And another car Porsche Camera GT that will also be displayed at the event

ちょうとだけしか見せない。。。。 あとTokyo Big Site行けたら見えること出来ますのでお楽しみに~~(^_-)☆ 今回僕の車車は出ないガーンけど17日か18日どちらかの日見に行きます~(*^-^)b

I can only show a little bit.... If you want to see the car then you can see the car at the Tokyo Big Site, so look forward to seeing it there. This time my car won't be in the event but I plan on going to the event on the 17th or 18th

夕方から中野ゴールド・ジム行きました。今日は僕のいとこといとこの友達が練習さんかしました。僕が今日久しぶりみんなとグラウンドの練習しました。膝が思ったより痛みなかった。久しぶり大山選手とグラウンドの練習して大山選手もびっくりしました。膝のかいふくがかなりいいですアップ でもまだあんまり焦らないでゆっくり治します~(;^_^A

In the late afternoon I went to Nakano Golds Gym. Today my cousin and his friend came to practice with us. Today I did some ground work after such a long time. I thought that my knee would hurt but it didn't at all. I did some ground sparring with Oyama San. Oyama San was very suprised to see me move around so well. But I won't rush myself and get well soon


Here is a picture with my cousin


And a picture with my cousin's friend


Isn't he small~(Smile)

夜練習終わってからいとこと友達3人でハマーカフェ行ってごはん食べました~☆-( ^-゚)v

After practice I went to the Hummer Cafe with my cousin and his friend for dinner



I will do my best in my rehab and training tomorrow