
I arrived to Kyushu safely yesterday


I got to ride on a Pikachu design Airplane


I arrived to Hakata terminal then left for Fukuoka-Ken, Omuta City. On our way there we stopped to eat some ramen. It was very very delicious

大牟田市到着して、志村かんちょうさんの知り合いの社長さんの家行きました。その社長さんの家がめちゃめちゃデカイですアップショック!アップ とってもけしきがキレイです。グッド!目 近くに遊園地があります音譜

After arriving to Omuta City we went to Shimura San's friends house. His friends house is very big and has a nice view of a lake and amusement park.


His friend has a very nice gym in the house

一休みしてからすぐ僕と恩田選手と一緒にトレーニングしましたあせる 志村かんちょうさんが僕と恩田選手のミットもってくれました。かなりキツイかったガーンあせる

After taking a break me and Onda San did some training. Shimura San held the mitts for us. It was kinda hard.


In the evening we all ate dinner at his friends house. The food was very delicious


Me and Onda San drank alot of Imoe Syoucyu

本当に馬のホルモンなべ美味しかったアップ はじめて食べましたクラッカー

The food was very delicious. I ate some food for the first time and it was delicious

昨日皆がちょうと飲みすぎちゃたから今日はゆっくりしましたガーンDASH! 明日は練習終わってから多分近くの遊園地行くかも。明日は楽しみにです音譜 ではではまたブログアップしますグッド!にひひ

Alot of us drank to much last night so we all took it easy today. Tomorrow after our training we might go to the amusement park for fun. I will update my blog again later.