
Here is some update pictures that I took from my digital camera the other day when I went to Isawa


On the day I arrived to Isawa at the Sushi Master's Restaurant Hanada, this is what I ate。。。。


I ate my favorite octapus and marine fish (I'm not sure if I got that right)叫び




I had a delicious draft beer


The next day I ate this。。。。

ヒヨコ鳥のからげとまたトロのあぶりニコニコチョキ とっても美味しかったおやしらず

Deep fried chicken and marine fish. It was very delicious

花田マスターの子供女の子の写真カメラ取りました音譜 とってもカワイイ音譜

I took a picture of the Sushi Master's baby daughter. She is very cute

とっても楽しかったアップ また遊びに行くのは楽しみにしていますクラッカー

I had a great time. I'am looking forward to going there again

今日お昼から病院病院の診察行きましたあせる 膝あしは順調に治っていますグッド!目 診察終わってからすぐに病院病院のリハビリやりましたガーンアップ 今日はプールのリハビリなしでしたあせる

Today in the afternoon I went to the hospital to see my doctor. My knee is getting much better. After seeing my doctor I went and did my rehab. Today there was no pool rehab


I always use this electricity machine on my knee for my rehab. It hurts a little bit but I must do it to get well


After finishing my rehab at the hospital I went straight to Sun Play gym and did my karts training


Tomorrow I will do my training at the gym again