
Everybody, thank you very much for worring about me~


My cold is getting much better now~

やはり昨日行ってた病院病院のクスリがききます~(*^-^)b のどの痛みが大分いいですグッド!ニコニコ でもまだ少しせきが出ます~(゚ー゚;  何とか治りそうです~(;^_^A

The medicine that I received from the hospital that I went to yesterday really works. My sore throat is much better now but I'am still caughing a little everynow and then. I should get well soon~

今日の朝いつもの病院病院行ってリハビリ走る人頑張りましたパンチ! 夕方になってサンプレイ・ジム行っていつもの加圧トレーニング頑張りましたあせる 今日はまだ風邪がひどいと思ってたけどぜんぜん大丈夫でした~べーっだ!チョキ

Today in the morning I went to my usual hospital for my rehab. Then in the late afternoon I went to Sun Play Gym and did my usual karts training. I thought that my cold would be still very bad topday but I was well enough to do my regular rehab and training today~

今日の夜星空ごはんはトニー・ローマでしたにひひ音譜 リブスとBBQチキンヒヨコのコンボー食べました笑チョキ とっても美味しかった~音譜

In the evening I ate dinner at Tony Romas. I had a rib and BBQ chicken combo. It was very delicious~


I will do my best again tomorrow~