
Last Saturday in the morning I went to Nagura Hospital for a check-up on my knee.

午後はビリー中野ゴールド・ジム行って久しぶり同じ柔道ファイタのケンジと一緒にガッツトレーニングやりました。ケンジと一緒に腕、くびとフッキンのガッツトレーニングやりました。ケンジとこれから一緒にたくさんトレーニングやりますアップ ケンジはこれから強くなりますので皆さんぜひ応援してくださいアップ

In the late afternoon I went to Nakano Golds Gym and trained with Kenji. Me and Kenji did our arms, neck and abs. Me and Kenji will be training together alot. Kenji is becoming stronger please cheer for him as well.


I will let you all know when Kenji will have his next fight so please cheer for him.



After training at the gym I met up with the Healthy-One Sacho and we went to eat at an Italian restaraunt in Nakano.


The Sacho's staff and other friends, we all ate some delicious Italian food. Also a pro pianist name Morita San was there also.


The dessert was terrific.


My stomach is full and face looks satisfied.


After eating dinner we all went to a drinking place. I drank some Don Perignon.

そこでピアノがあってプロピアニストの森田さんがそこでみんなのためにピアノひってくれました。本当にすごかった、目の前であんなピアノひく人はじめて見ましたアップ かんどうしましたにひひあせる 森田さんありがとうございました音譜

At the drinking place the pro pianist Morita San played the piano for us. It was really great seeing a person playing the piano so well. Thank you Morita san.