昨日無事に車東京戻りましたにひひあせる 色んな友達とファンの方会えること出来てとってもうれしいかったアップ 会えること出来なかった人もたくさんいるダウンけどきっとまたいつか会えると思いますニコニコチョキ

I came back to Tokyo safely yesterday. I was very happy to see my friends and fans. There were alot of other people that I was unable to see but I'am sure that I will be able to see them someday soon.

明日からまたハードのリハビリ走る人とトレーニングビリー頑張りますにひひパンチ! 今月29日と30日は名古屋行きます、それまで毎日リハビリ走る人とトレーニングガッツ頑張るアップ

Tomorrow I will start my hard rehab and training again. I will be going to Nagoya again this month on the 29th and 30th so until then I will do my best in my rehab and training.

この前の木曜日名古屋行ってる間格闘技”HEAT”の柔道志村かんちょうさんの家家に行きましたニコニコチョキ 志村かんちょうさんの家家で美味しいちゃんこつくてあげました音譜

Last Thursday in Nagoya I went to Shimura San (The Fighting "HEAT" Producer) house. I made Chanko for his friends and family.

皆さん喜んでくれました音譜 ”めちゃめちゃ美味しい、ちゃんこ屋やったら!!”と言われましたべーっだ!チョキ

They were all very happy and said that it was very very delicious. They also said that I should open my own Chanko Restaraunt.


I was very happy that they said it was very delicious.

次ぎの日午前中志村かんちょうさんの会社http://www.shimura-corp.co.jp/ 寄りました音譜 ちょうど格闘技”HEAT”のせんでんの車車ありました。 志村かんちょうさんと一緒に車車で写真カメラ取りました目チョキ

The next day in the morning I went to Shimura Sans office. His advertising car was there and we took a picture in front of it.


Can you find and see the picture of me in the poster on the the car?

がやりますアップ 僕は見に行きます笑チョキ ぜひ見に来てくださいにこ音譜 場所はこちらです。。。。。

On the 30th of this month in Nagoya "HEAT" will have there fights. I will be going there to watch the event. If you have time please come and watch the fights.


デジカメからいっぱい写真カメラ取りましたけどまだパソコンパソコンに入れってないのでまた時間あったら見せますね~べーっだ!あせる お楽しみに~目チョキ

I took alot of pictures with my digital camera but haven't downloaded it to my computer yet so when I have time I will show some of them to you. Look forward to seeing more pics.