
Last night I went to my favorite little girl Mao Chan's Birthday Party

まおちゃんは嫁の友達の子供です。まおちゃんがいつも僕のこと大好きと言ってくれますわんわんチョキ まおちゃんは本当にかわいいですドキドキ 僕が入院病院してた時まおちゃんがとっても心配あせるしてお見舞い来てくれましたハロウィン

Mao Chan is my wifes friends daughter. Mao Chan always tells me that she likes me very much. Mao Chan is soo cute! When I was in the hospital she came to visit me because she was so worried about me,


I fixed chanko nabe for Mao Chan and family & friends.


Mao Chan did her dance for all of us.

ナイフとフォーク食べ終わってまおちゃんのクラッカー誕生日ケーキケーキ出ました音譜 まおちゃんが5歳になりましたおとめ座

After eating it was time for Mao Chans birthday cake. Mao Chan is 5 years old now.


After the cake we all gave Mao Chan her birthday presents.


She was very happy to receive a very big present from me.

きっとまおちゃんがこの日忘れないと思います目 また来年まおちゃんの誕生日パーティークラッカー楽しみにしていますにひひ音譜

I'am sure that she will remember her birthday party. I'am looking forward to her next birthday party next year.