
It is very cold everyday~


My knee is getting better~


I'am doing my best in my rehab in the morning and afternoon twice a day~


Even on Sundays I'am doing my best in rehab~

よくリハビリで会おう入院している人達と写真取りました~('-^*)/ みんなが頑張ってリハビリしています。 早く良くなって一日早く退院出来るよに頑張ってください~(*^-^)b

During my rehab I usually see the same people who are also in the hospital and we took a picture together. They are also doing there best in there rehab. I wish for them to get well and be able to get out of the hospital soon. Good Luck~

みんなが僕のこと応援してくれるのはありがとうございます。 とってもうれしいです~\(^_^)/

They said that they will be cheering for me. Thank you very much, I'am very happy~


Let's all have a good rehab tomorrow~