みんなさん、コメントありがとうございます。。。m(u_u)m 時間ある時呼んでます。(*^-^)b なかなか返事出来なくてごめんなさい。。。。m(_ _ )m 時間ある時あらためてお返事します。(^-^)ノ~~

Thank you everybody for your comments. I read the comments when I had time. Sorry for not being able to post a reply. When I have time I will post my replies.

昨日トレーニングしながら、いい誕生日の日すごしました。о(ж>▽<)y ☆

Yesterday I had a great birthday even while doing my training.


I have been doing my very best in my practice and training.


After practice Oyama San took these pictures for me.

明日は「TV ASAHI」のロケあります。 バラエティーのバングミ出ますので楽しみにしてください。(=⌒▽⌒=) ほうそうの日分かったらまたお知らせします。('-^*)/

Tomorrow I have a TV shooting with TV ASASHI. I will be in a variety tv show so look forward to the show. I will let you all know when the show will be on later.