今日お昼ゴールドジムガッツ行って友達のマイクと一緒にウエイトのトレーニングビリーやりました。(^O^)/ 二人ともランニングダッシュしてからせなかとくびのトレーニングビリーしました。(*^▽^*) 今日は2時間ぐらいやりました♪(*´Д`)=з 明日もまた頑張りますうえ

Today in the afternoon I went to Golds Gym and did some weight training with my friend Mike. After we both did some running then we went to do some weight training for our back and neck. Today we trained for about 2hours. I will do my best again tomorrow.

星ごはんナイフとフォークは嫁さんフネと一緒に「TONY ROMAS」行きましたぺこ

Me and my wife went to eat dinner at [Tony Romas]


It was kinda dark inside the restaraunt so the pictures that I took wasn't to clear~~

つまみは~~ ココナツシュリンプとセサミチキン

For our appetizer we had~~ Coconuts Shrimp and Sesame Chicken

メインは~~ りぶとステーキのコンボ

My main dish was~~ Rib and Steak Combo


It was very delicious~~

TONY ROMAS してますかはて 行ったことある人いますかはて

Do you know Tony Romas? Has anybody been there before?