
I made it back to Tokyo safely.


Here we are... I'am so happy that I finally made it back home and I'am now able to use my computer. I'am a little bit tired but I will write what I have done during my stay in Yamanashi-Ken.

トレーニングは山登りやったりとジムに行ったりしました。甲府市にあるジムずっとかいよってました。そのジムの名前はJOY FITです。かなりいいトレーニング出来ました。JOY FITのみんなさんありがとうございました。。。m(u_u)m また山梨に行ったらまたジムに行きますね。(^-^)ノ~~

My training was walking up the mountains and going to the gym. I was going to a gym in Kofu City everyday. The gym that I have been going to is called JOY FIT. I had a great training. Thank you JOY FIT staff. When I come back to Yamanashi I will come to the gym again.


Here is a picture then...

そして山登り終わって私の大好きの温泉入りに行きました。その温泉はフルーツ公園の上にあります。露天風呂はサイコです。\(^_^)/ けしきはものすごくキレイですよ。(*^-^)b

Then after walking the mountains, I went to my favorite hot springs. The hot springs that I go to is located above the Fruits Park. I really like the outdoor hot springs. The view is terrific.


Here is a picture what is looks like...

そしてほぼ毎日私がいつもお世話になってる知り合いお寿司料理花田のマスターの店でごはん食べに行ってました。(b^-゜) マスターがいろんなおいしい食べもの出してくれました。o(^▽^)o 寿司からお肉までたくさん出してくれました。(^_^)v 本当にありがとうございました。。。m(_ _ )m 帰りはちょうと淋しいけどまたすぐ遊びに行きます。(^_-)☆

Then almost everyday I will go to my friends sushi restaurant called Sushi Ryouri Hanada for my dinner. Master made all kinds of delicious for me. I had sushi and meat. Thank you very much! I was kinda sad when I left to go back home but I will be back soon to visit again.


Here is a picture of some of the foods that I ate....





Then sometimes me and the master went out to a snack to relax. At one snack a big fan of mine was there and we took pictures with each other and I told him that I will but the picture in my blog and he was so happy.


サイゴに。。。。ある日の夜マスターと奥さん一生に帰りコンビニよったらめちゃめちゃカワイイ犬いました。ヘ(゚∀゚*)ノ もうカワイイくって写真取りました。о(ж>▽<)y ☆

At last.... One night me, master and his wife stopped by a convience store and we saw a very very cute dog. The dog was so cute I took a picture.


Here it is......



今回の山梨はこのかんじでした。すごく楽しいかった。\(^_^)/ また山梨行くのは楽しみにしています。(^-^)ノ~~

So, this is how it was this time during my trip to Yamanshi. I had a great time. I look forward to coming to Yamanashi again.

今日はコメントの返事出来ないけど明日少しずつコメントの返事書きますのでよろしくお願いします。。。m(u_u)m いつもありがとうございます。。。m(_ _ )m 

I won't be able to reply back to your comments tonight but I will reply to your comments tomorrow little by little OK... Thank you all for comments...

ではおやすみなさい。。。(@ ̄ρ ̄@)zzzz

Well Good Night....