Semix collagen peptides can be added to fresh milk, yogurt, milk beverages, coffee, milk powder and other products to increase the protein content of the beverage. Semix collagen peptides are digested by the stomach after ingestion, and then migrate in the blood vessels to stimulate the skin's fiber cells, thereby promoting cell division and synthesizing collagen and elastin.


SEMIX Collagen Peptide For Drinks

Adding to yogurt, the lactic acid produced by the probiotics in lactic acid bacteria can improve intestinal immunity, improve constipation symptoms, prevent aging, and improve absorption efficiency. Ingestion of collagen peptides and yogurt at the same time can improve the absorption of collagen peptides, improve skin and joint function, prevent aging, and improve sleep and weight loss.


Collagen Peptides In Hot Coffee & collagen peptides in hot tea

Semix collagen peptides will affect their biological activity at high temperatures and affect the drinking effect. Generally, coffee and tea are brewed with hot water. It is not advisable to add Semix collagen peptides together with high water temperature. It is better to wait for the coffee and tea to cool or cool down before adding Semix collagen peptides.


Zhejiang Xinmei Biotechnology Co.,Ltd., is a professional collagen manufacturer, we provide gelatin collagen, collagen in food and beverage industries, collagen powder in oatmeal, collagen powder in hot coffee, collagen juice powder, collagen protein coffee, collagen protein milk, cheap collagen and etc. Want to know collagen bar benefits or more, contact us.