Chiba Prefecture: Learned at the head office factory of “Chiba Shoyu”  千葉県 〜ちば醤油の本社工場で学ぶ〜  


Before getting into the main subject, I would like to briefly touch on one thing, about “Washoku, Japanese food” registered as a UNESCO intangible cultural heritage.






Japan, which has a long land in the north and south and four seasons, has a variety of rich nature, and the food culture that was born there has been nurtured to be close to this. The " customary practice" about "food" based on the Japanese temperament of "respecting nature" was registered as a UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage under the title of "Washoku= Japanese traditional food culture".




The main seasoning in this chapter is "Shoyu=soy sauce", which is indispensable for cooking in this " "Washoku" genre.




Recently, it is a versatile seasoning that is used in many ways, such as being used not only for Japanese food but also to provide Umami fragrance to Western food.




Before the interview, Haruma found first that Chiba Prefecture has the largest production of soy sauce in Japan, because of the largest production in Japan, where many soy sauce factories are lined up. From such an area, "Chiba Shoyu" in Katori City, Chiba Prefecture was selected as the coverage site for "日本製〜Nihon-Sei〜".


三浦春馬さんは千葉県が「しょうゆ」生産全国一位であることを取材直前に初めて知ったというが、全国一位なだけあって県内にはしょうゆ工場が立ち並ぶ地域がいくつか存在する。 そのような地域の中から『日本製』の取材地として選ばれたのは千葉県香取市にある「ちば醤油」だ。


This factory is located in the North-West side of the prefecture, developed around the Tonegawa river, and has produced soy sauce since the Edo era.


県北東部に位置し、利根川周辺の水運の町として栄えた土地で江戸時代からしょう油造りを行ってきた 歴史あるしょうゆ工場なのである。


Actually, I've been there, but from the moment I arrive, the whole town was surrounded by the smell of soy sauce, and I felt a sense of security that I could hardly describe.




Haruma said the same thing in this book, and I think the smell of soy sauce is like a stabilizer of the mind for Japanese people.


本章のコラムで春馬さんも同様のことを綴っているが、おそらく日本人にとって、しょうゆの香りは心 の安定剤みたいなものなのではないかと思えてならない。


And for him who was health-conscious, the coverage of "soy sauce", which is one of the fermented foods that are said to be good for the body, must surely have been exciting.


そして、健康意識が高い春馬さんにとって、身体に良いとされている発酵食品のひとつである「し ょうゆ」の取材は、きっと心躍るようなものになったのではないか。


You can see this from the photographs he included in the book. It is also well known that he used "soy sauce" and "koji" to handmake "soy sauce koji" in his private kitchen.


それは掲載されている写真の表情からもひしひしと伝わってくる。 プライベートでは「しょうゆ」と「麹」を使って手作りの「しょうゆ麹」を作っていたことも良く 知られている。




It is said that the soy sauce manufacturing process at "Chiba Shoyu" requires not only the necessary ingredients to be mixed but also the action of the bacteria that lived in the wooden tub that has been used for a long time. As mentioned earlier, this bacterium has been passed down since the Edo period when the "Chiba Shoyu" factory was built, and it has since grown with history. There is no doubt that the bacteria are the historical witnesses to the process of making “Chiba Shoyu”.


「ちば醤油」でのしょうゆ造りは、ただ単に必要な材料を混ぜあわせるだけでなく、熟成時に使用 する巨大な木桶に昔からずっと棲みついている菌の力も必要となってくるそうだ。 「蔵つき酵母」と言われているこの菌は「ちば醤油」の工場ができた江戸時代から継承されており、 歴史と共に育ってきた生き証人でもある。私たちよりもかなり先輩の位置にいるのは事実だ。


And if even one of the various bacteria is missing in the fermentation process, soy sauce will not be completed. Even a drop of soy sauce is a precious thing as it must be made over a long time through many stages.


そして、発酵する過程で必要な麹菌、乳酸菌、酵母菌、この3つの菌が一つでも欠けていると 「しょうゆ」はできあがらない。 しょうゆ一滴でさえ、いくつもの工程を経て時間をかけて作り上げられる貴重なものなのだ。 後に行われた『日本製』についてのインタービューで春馬さんは「発酵」という言葉をキーワードにし、思いを述べている。


In a later interview about "Nihon-Sei", Haruma mentioned his thoughts about the word fermentation" as the keyword. To the question of what is Japanese traditional crafts and techniques, Haruma said that the word "fermentation" came to his mind. In the limited land of Japan, which is an island country, we will work hard to make it our own culture and pass it onto the future.




I think that process was linked to the food culture that uses fermentation, such as soy sauce brewing and sake brewing that he learned about in other prefectures.




"Soy sauce" is not used a lot at once, but is used drop by drop, and there is no doubt that each drop will support "Japanese food," which is an "intangible cultural heritage”.




If you try using "soy sauce" with respect while having such feelings, it may taste a little different from usual. 


そんなことを感じながら、敬意を払いながら「しょうゆ」を使ってみると、いつもとは少し違った味 を楽しめるのではないだろうか。


(Review S.N Translate M.C)    






Haruma introduced Nihon-Sei of Chiba Prefecture in the August 2016 issue of "Monthly +act.”


春馬さんは「ちば醤油」を月刊+act 2016年8月号で紹介しています。


For more information about Chiba shoyu, please visit "SekaharuHaru-Map!






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