『日本製』出版記念のインスタライブを英訳してみましたWe translate the Instagram Live about "Nihon-Sei"











We have translated Haruma Miura's talk on his Instagram Live into English to lead to the publication of the English translation of  "Nihon-Sei -Made in Japan-." If you have similar wishes, please share this article on your SNS. Thank you for your support! 



English Text of Haruma Miura's Instagram Live of Apr. 05 2020


Today, April 5, is my birthday, and it’s also another meaningful day...Eh, I have traveled around the 47 prefectures of Japan for the last four and a half years, covering local traditional crafts, what every craftsman thought, local culture, and so on. Finally, this serialization became a book by WANI BOOKS (a famous book company in Japan). Today, it's published under the title "Nihon-Sei -Made in Japan-." Thank you very much. 


I really appreciate WANI BOOKS, and this great success is because all of you have been looking forward to the serialization. Again, thanks for all of your support! 


The contents of the book are enriched. I'll give you a quick peek at the pages. It's the size that you can hold in your hand. I think some of you already have the book. Or have you made a reservation for it? If you are interested in this book, that will make me sooooooo happy! 


The reason I wanted to travel to all over Japan was… about myself five years ago; I had the opportunity to visit to shoot a movie many places in Japan such as Hokkaido as well, (Then, one of the staff is reflected on the screen by mistake, and Haruma broke into laughter.) 


I am going to continue. 


Eh, yes! In simple words, I didn't know anything about Japan. For instance, In the future, even if I can speak English more fluently and then work abroad, I can't explain the beauty or splendor of Japan and its characteristics if I don't know my country. 


In my early twenties and mid, I have been to abroad to study English at the schools during my vacations. In the school, I saw students from Europe often speak with shining eyes, "How wonderful my country is!" or "You know what a wonderful place, what a famous craft?" They were younger than me!


Those young people looked dazzling to me. I still remember the frustration that I couldn't say anything at that time because of not only my English ability but my lack of knowledge of Japanese culture. Then, as an actor and as a Japanese citizen, I was eager to learn about the appealings of Japan. Through the ‘Nihon-Sei’ project, I have had the opportunity to learn quite a lot about Japan with your warm support.


I'm sure there are many things you didn't know about your prefecture and the places where your relatives live, where your grandparents live, where your good friends are working, etc. I hope it will be a great opportunity for people to discover the attractive points of each prefecture. I would be so happy if you would enjoy this book.

(Translate: R.M.)



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This Blog is powered by Nihon-Sei Localization team in Team SEKAHARU.

What is "SEKAHARU”? 

SEKAHARU is a group of people who are truly moved by Haruma Miura’s outgoing and positive way of life after reading short stories and posts from Kaoru Saito (Haruma Miura’s voice teacher).

The Localization team supports translating and publishing ’Nihon-Sei’ in other languages.

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