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  そして16日、今回のツアー最大のコンサートである「『海淀外国語実験学校』日中国交正常化45周年企画 SEIGOES with 井上あずみ&ゆーゆ」に出演。舞台となったのは北京市内で外国語教育に力を入れる幼稚園から高校までを備えた国際学校です。ゲストに「君をのせて」「さんぽ」「となりのトトロ」などで有名な歌手の井上あずみさんと、その娘で同じく歌手のゆーゆさんを迎えて、ジャズあり、ジブリ音楽ありの楽しい演奏を中国の子供達に届けました。また、手作りの「トトロ」のお面をつけた子供達が、ステージで演奏に合わせて踊る微笑ましい一幕も。

Bridge across the world 

Jazz ringing in Beijing

~Japanese musicians connecting China and Japan~

I With sunset, music can be heard from somewhere in the bar streets like Qianhai, Houhai, drum tower (Gulou) street, Sanlitun where foreigners come together. They are sounds of live performances giving in several bars. Speaking of its genre, singing popular songs only with a guitar was a mainstream, but recently has come to hear jazz music.

"Blue Note" long-established bar setting up the residence in New York, had opened its Chinese branch "Blue Note Beijing" (means Indigo blue note) in September, 2016.

That has become an engine to push up the movement with a great surprise to jazz loving people.

SEIGOES running around Beijing!

In May, Japanese jazz drummer, SEIGO and his group SEIGOES gave their performance in several places in Beijing. As a jazz drummer, SEIGO has been playing with both domestic and foreign musicians and providing  people with energetic music all around his country.

He and his members started their tour at“6677 bar” in Beijing on 13th May, extended a trip to play at “Hougang” in Tianjin, performed at "Modernista" again in Beijing on 14th, May. They gave live performance at local bars and cafes day after day, heated up the night of Beijing.

On 16th, May, they appeared in the largest performance of this tour “SEIGOES with Azumi Inoue & Yuyu for 45th anniversary of Japan and China diplomatic normalization at Beijing Haidian Foreign Language Shi Yan School. That is the international school which prepared facilities from a kindergarten to high school laying emphasis on foreign language education in Beijing. Inviting Azumi Inoue, famous for the Ghibli songs such as “Laputa carrying you”“Stroll” “My Neighbor Totoro” and her daughter Yuyu, also a singer as guests, they presented special performance to Chinese children such as jazz music and Ghibli songs  In addition, children with masks of handmade "Totoro" were dancing on the stage. It was really heartwarming.

After the performance, SEIGO said,”Everyone has tied to one another to overcome the language barrier. Now our next plan is to attend the event for 50th anniversary of Japan and China diplomatic normalization. I will come to China steadily and would like to continue live performance till then. "SEIGOES will go anywhere bringing a drum and giving performance."  talked about a future plan powerfully. Again Azumi Inoue said, "the music can cross over the border". I think that music would become the bridge to connect Japan and China. My, daughter, Yuyu sang a Chinese song, along with Chinese students did. I feel this is true interchange. Children will change the world. " she talked about what she had felt through this stage.

Their performance in Beijing continued as far as there was the stage and the encounter. At last, SEIGOES finished a superlative performance again at "6677 bar" on 27th, May. The manager (guitar) and the regular audience (vocal) made a session for that day with SEIGOES by free participation. Deeply impressed by SEIGO’s drumming, Mr. and Mrs. French who came there by chance called their three daughters outside into the bar and had them listen to his performance. SEIGO handed the drum sticks to the children and had them experience improvising. "It was that night to embody that there is no border in the music ".

After the performance, thinking to see SEIGO and AKIKO off, I was so surprised that they were to ride on the electric motorcycle with drum set back on the carrier. Actually they got carrier here in Beijing and attached it by themselves 

"Without drums on the stage, you cannot give any performance. Then you should bring it with you!” Seeing off him leaving the streets in the night, I felt his passion to international exchange, his world-class vitality and extraordinary love for the music.

5月日本爵士鼓手SEIGO率领团队SEIGOES在北京各地巡回演奏。作为队长的SEIGO是位爵士鼓手,来到中国之后,与国内外多位音乐家合作举办现场演出,在全国各地努力传播音乐。北京巡回演出的第13天,在北京市内的“6677bar”,第二天拓展到临近的天津市的“后巷”,14日在北京的“Modernista”和其他当地的酒吧和咖啡馆连日为北京的夜晚带来精彩的演出。 16日,出席此次巡回演出的最大型音乐会海淀外语实验学校的“日中两国外交关系正义化45周年SEIGOES with 井上あずみ&ゆーゆ”,演出的舞台是从幼儿园和高中专门从事外国语教育的国际学校。嘉宾是「君をのせて」「さんぽ」「となりのトトロ」为代表作的著名歌手井上あずみ,以及其女儿ゆーゆ,此次音乐会为中国孩子献上了一场爵士乐与吉卜力音乐完美融合的欢乐演出,孩子们带着手工制作的面具,伴着音乐在舞台上愉快的共舞。
完成演出的SEIGO先生说:“我们超越语言用音乐连接起来,这次的目标是中日两国外交关系正常化50周年。这之后我们也想更经常的来中国,举办现场演出活动。”SEIGOES不管到那里,打鼓都是一种发自内心的感觉,对未来的前景他们也表达了要更加努力。此外,井上あずみ描述舞台上的演出感受时说:“音乐可以超越国境,音乐能够成为中日关系的桥梁,此次ゆーゆ(我的女儿)唱了一首中国歌曲,学生们也一起合唱,我觉得这是一场真正的交流,这些孩子将会改变这个世界。“完成此次大型活动之后的的SEIGOES,也尽其所能的在市内接着演出,27日又在第一天演出的“6 6 7 7 b a r”演奏。酒吧的店长(吉他手)和常来的客人(声乐)加入了演出中。偶然来酒吧的法国夫妇因为听到SEIGO的鼓声十分感动,给自己的三个外地的女儿打电话让她们来听此次演出。SEIGO还把鼓棒交给孩子们进行即兴演奏体验,这是一个体现“无边界音乐”的夜晚当演奏结束从店里走出来,正要送SEIGO和演奏成员AKIKO走的时候,惊讶地发现两个人用在当地购买的电动自行车上搭的货物台,把整套鼓一起运走了。