昔書いていた詩(26) | たろうくん(清水太郎)のブログ





 真夜中に 突然にジョキングを始めると言って
 駆け出した男に 仕上げたばかりの
 入れ歯を磨きながら 老人の歯科技工士が聞く
 「どうして走るのか 老いれば枯れる身体なのに」
 「ならば どうして1年は365日で、大安の次に仏滅が来るのか」

 老人は立っている 男は走っている
 ランニングシューズの底に 少しばかりの自由を 安堵して
 地球の上に立っているのではなく 逆さまにぶら下がっているのだと
 夜の公園の森を 傾斜して飛ぶ 蝙蝠のように 呟きながら
 男の工具箱には大工の 差し金がない 
 唯、時代を暗示する 大型のレンチが 口をあけている

 呪術師の 言葉に 傷ついて
 夜の闇に向かって 駆け出す
 妻の待つ 眠りの上へ 一直線に



 だから、僕らの胸の画架にある キャンバスは真っ白で
 使われない絵具や筆が 足元に転がっている

 遠い時代に浮世絵で踏み絵され 言葉を発するよりも 
 先にお前を 殺してしまったから

 徐々にスピードを揚げ 突進してゆく 

世界中の子供たちに反戦反原発で笑顔を( ◠‿◠ )

Poems I wrote in a long time ago (26)


Saying suddenly joking started at midnight
I just finished up with a running man
An old man's dental technician listens while brushing his dentures
"Why are you running down if you grow old?
The man answers while being embarrassed
"If so, why is the year 365 days, will the Buddha come after Da'an?"

An old man is standing The man is running
Relaxing a little freedom at the bottom of running shoes
He said he was hanging upside down instead of standing on the earth
In case
While muttering like a bat flying by tilting the park forest at night
There is no carpenter's deposit in a man's tool box
A large wrench that implies the era is opening his mouth

The man's baseball cap is stopped with octagonal bolts
Hurt by the word of the magician
Bring out to the darkness of the night
On top of my sleeping wait for my wife

Freight car

The freight car which has come off the coupler
Running in the opposite direction
I was a symbol of the past
Retrieve anti-war file
Prosperity now unrelated to us can not be forgiven

So, the canvas on our chest stile is pure white
Paints and brushes not used are rolling on my feet

Rather than speaking words in ukiyo-e in distant times
I killed you before.

The one I am lacking is handcuffs of toys
It's because I live with my heart
A wagon that is out of the coupler
Heading towards the end of ruin
Gradually raise speed and rush

Smile on anti-war anti-nuclear for children around the world (◠‿◠)
イメージ 1